Lonely but don't like people

Does anyone else feel like I do?
I feel lonely and desperate for friends to talk to but at the same time I don't like having to talk to people and I want to be at home with just me and my family and shut the world out and not have to see anyone or text anyone

It feels like quite a contradiction but so does much of my life

Also, I think its hard for me as I feel I can't truly be myself with most people, especially NT's 

Parents Reply
  • Most people mistake money for wealth or power. It is not actually the same.

    Money is tokens which are generally accepted but have no intrinsic value whatsoever. The value of money is ENTIRELY in the minds of people. 

    Money because it is a token acts as an intermediary between you and your actually wealth and adds layers of complication which many sets of very clever people have set up systems to "Skim" a little bit of YOUR wealth into their pockets.

    This means that most of you have incomes of around 10x my 200 quid a month, yet you spend it all on things that you need, simply to live via a myriad of financial transactions all of which have a tiny bit skimmed off for the benefit of someone who would not pee on you if you were on fire..

    Worse, each direct debit you have, has an inbuilt penalty that will happen if it does not get paid, so if you suddenly run out of income, your troubles aggregate rapidly, forcing you to focus entirely on making the money dance work again, lest you lose your credit score. 

    What is this credit score? It's an indication of how likely you are to service your debts, and bend over backwards to do it. In short, it's an indication of how vulnerable and needy you are, which has been sold to you as an indication of your personal power.

    In practice when you first start to get "weaned off money" it's bloody hard. There are SO MANY things you can no longer do, so many things you cannot see etc.And that's AFTER you figure our how to live without paying rent or rates or any of that stuff. It's hard to do. 

    The system under which we live is set up that way. And they are making it harder to live outside of it every day. But it's very easy for ONE person in a two person relationship to eschew money, and it's not much harder to live your life in credit IF you can manage to learn to spend what money you have wisely.

    Oddly enough, "living within your means" will punish your "credit rating", but it is nice to not be financailly "vulnerable" all the time.

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