Defying autistic stereotype still autistic?

Few things that delayed my self-diagnousis as someone on the spectrum because they defy the stereotype. First, I hate routine because I have such inconsistency and mood changes. One day I'd like to talk and chat and the other I'd like to stay in my room alone. I can't imagine a life where everyday is the same. I have different moods and i can't just stick to working hours 9to17. Somedays I like to have very slow morning or work on Sunday and sleep on Monday.. can't eat the same food everyday but I do have bunch of recipes that I tend to repeat, maybe just because it's easier and than cooking something new, but sometimes I do.

Second is that I like new experiences. Traveling, new food, new places in the city and so on when I have the mood for it. Even if the experience might intimidat NTs. 

Third is that I can be friendly if I'm well recharged and rested. I can be social if I'm very well rested and recharged (alone for few days). Smile, chit chat (never a small talk tho). I can tolerate lights and sounds after good sleep..

Can anyone relate to any of this?. Is this normal among autistic people?. Most of what I read online talks about repetitive behaviours, sticking to routine and being closed to new experiences..

  • These things might be a sign you have ADHD too.

  • I actually don't know about that. I didn't read much on ADHD symptoms but I can be still in my bed for whole day if I'm recharging, I don't consider myself extra active but more calm one. I can focus on things and get to hyper concentration state, which doesn't happen too often tho. On a normal day (not burned out and not hyper focused) I like to focus on a task until it's done but if it takes many hours then I need a break each 50 minutes or so... Well, my understanding to ADHD can be inaccurate but these are few things that make me think that I don't have it

  • That was what I thought at first, I'm rather more inactive than hyperactive! But there is inattentive type, the stare out the window in a daydream kid. ADHD also has hyperfocus! Worth looking into because of how it interacts with autism and is a very common comorbidity.

  • That was what I thought at first, I'm rather more inactive than hyperactive! But there is inattentive type, the stare out the window in a daydream kid. ADHD also has hyperfocus! Worth looking into because of how it interacts with autism and is a very common comorbidity.

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