Defying autistic stereotype still autistic?

Few things that delayed my self-diagnousis as someone on the spectrum because they defy the stereotype. First, I hate routine because I have such inconsistency and mood changes. One day I'd like to talk and chat and the other I'd like to stay in my room alone. I can't imagine a life where everyday is the same. I have different moods and i can't just stick to working hours 9to17. Somedays I like to have very slow morning or work on Sunday and sleep on Monday.. can't eat the same food everyday but I do have bunch of recipes that I tend to repeat, maybe just because it's easier and than cooking something new, but sometimes I do.

Second is that I like new experiences. Traveling, new food, new places in the city and so on when I have the mood for it. Even if the experience might intimidat NTs. 

Third is that I can be friendly if I'm well recharged and rested. I can be social if I'm very well rested and recharged (alone for few days). Smile, chit chat (never a small talk tho). I can tolerate lights and sounds after good sleep..

Can anyone relate to any of this?. Is this normal among autistic people?. Most of what I read online talks about repetitive behaviours, sticking to routine and being closed to new experiences..

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  • I like going out, but get anxious; then tired.

    I'm excellent at planning public transport journeys. But find that there is little accommodation for those who travel between Ireland and Britain by ferry and coach rather than by air.