How do you make friends with someone that’s famous?

From what I’ve read about her on Wikipedia, Greta Thunberg seems like a very nice person and just the sort of person I’d get on well with. And she’s got Asperger’s syndrome, so that would make it more likely that we can relate to each other well.


I’ve sent her an e-mail at least 3 times, and tried to get in touch with her on Facebook, and she’s not replied. How do I find out for sure that she’s actually read my e-mail, and it’s not just been not passed on to her by her media people or something?


And if it’s not too late to ask now, what should I say in an e-mail to her to make my e-mail stand out from all these other e-mails that she might be getting, so she takes mine seriously and does actually want to write back?

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  • Too much to unpack so I'll just focus on the last section.

    Why would someone not want to give me their time and make a little bit of effort to get to know me (or anyone, I don't want to make this just about me)

    Because people lead busy lives, getting to know a total stranger from scratch probably isn't top of their priority list.

    just because it takes a little bit more effort to sit down and write an e-mail rather than just say a casual "Hi, how are you?" when they see an acquaintance at work or wherever? The acquaintance at work isn't entitled to their time either.

    Exactly because that interaction is happening naturally, sharing a work environment necessitates a degree of civility if not legitimate interest. besides we should all know by now when a NT (who isn't your good friend already) asks "how are you?" they never want the real answer it's just a polite throw away line to acknowlege the presence of the other person. Also that civil recognition that smoothes out the work environment isn't really their time, even when interaction happens naturally like that because it's likely perfunctory not genuine so it isn't a sign they want to to socialise with their coworker outside of work.

    I'm just honest

    Ditto so don't take this the wrong way but after reading a lot of what you said here's the final advice: Just learn to take no for an answer and don't stalk anyone.

  • Why does it work like that? Why can't I be friends with anyone I want to be friends with, whether I've met them before or not?

    Because forcing someone to be your friend when they don't mutually feel the click with you is creepy if you don't respect their lack of interest and right not to associate with anyone they don't want to.

    Well I wouldn't force them to; obviously friendship is 2 way. Why wouldn't they treat everybody equally though?

    Why should Greta Thunberg or whoever miss out on a great friendship with possibly the nicest bloke in the whole world,

    We only have your word for that, none of us know that you are nice, and saying you are in such terms sounds pretty arrogant, if you spoke to Greta like that I can see you probably made her feel uncomfortable.

    I can confirm that I am possibly the nicest bloke in the whole world, and I'm not arrogant, I'm just honest. But why should I miss out on a friendship with the nicest girl in the world just because I don't meet her "naturally"?

    just because she doesn't meet me "naturally", and has to make a bit more effort to get to know me?

    This is just being autistically blunt because it's a hard truth: you are not entitled to her time or energy. You are giving off bad vibes actually, and I can read that even though I'm autistic. If you are serious about being a nice guy and not just "nice guy" then you need to work on respecting other people's boundaries, managing your expectations, and how you present yourself.

    Why would someone not want to give me their time and make a little bit of effort to get to know me (or anyone, I don't want to make this just about me) just because it takes a little bit more effort to sit down and write an e-mail rather than just say a casual "Hi, how are you?" when they see an acquaintance at work or wherever? The acquaintance at work isn't entitled to their time either.

  • Why does it work like that? Why can't I be friends with anyone I want to be friends with, whether I've met them before or not?

    Because forcing someone to be your friend when they don't mutually feel the click with you is creepy if you don't respect their lack of interest and right not to associate with anyone they don't want to.

    Why should Greta Thunberg or whoever miss out on a great friendship with possibly the nicest bloke in the whole world,

    We only have your word for that, none of us know that you are nice, and saying you are in such terms sounds pretty arrogant, if you spoke to Greta like that I can see you probably made her feel uncomfortable.

    just because she doesn't meet me "naturally", and has to make a bit more effort to get to know me?

    This is just being autistically blunt because it's a hard truth: you are not entitled to her time or energy. You are giving off bad vibes actually, and I can read that even though I'm autistic. If you are serious about being a nice guy and not just "nice guy" then you need to work on respecting other people's boundaries, managing your expectations, and how you present yourself.

  • I looked that up but all I can see are fringe stories citing a ‘Hollywood gossip blogger’. Sounds a bit wonky 

  • The problem is that you do not have the means to begin interacting with Greta. You are unlikely to meet her in a library or park etc. The only access you have is probably used by thousands of people each week and someone with a high profile will have a filter system of people vetting communications between you and her. No doubt she gets unpleasant messages and even death threats, imagining that an email you might send would be picked up and read by Thunberg herself is just that, imagining. Giving you false hope is just unhelpful.

  • Because friendship has to be a mutual arrangement. You have a desire to be friends with Greta, but she knows nothing of you, and probably has thousands of contacts, from the multiple millions of people who find her interesting, every week.

    But any relationship starts with knowing nothing of each other. Talking to someone new at work or pming someone on here would be the same.

    Then after communicating with each other for a while, you do get to know each other, and find out whether you like each other or not.

  • funny thing is greta got all of her ideas by doing this very same thing.

    do you know the origonal environmental protestor was a guy named ted kazynsky... he was also called the uni bomber... greta thunberg before she got this famous contacted him in prison by sending him letters, she adores him and bases her ideas off his ideas... which should scream a massive warning about how extreme views greta actually has.

    but it also kills peoples claims that greta is left wing, ted kazynsky isnt left wing, he was right wing environmentalist and said that the left wing is the enemy of the environment and will claim to be for the environment just for publicity and fake political points while destroying the greenery and the trees around them. ted considered the left wing to be the true enemy of the environment... given greta gets her ideas from him i find it hard to judge that she is left wing like others claim she is.

    it may actually be better for someone to write a letter to ted kazynsky instead.... hes in prison, hes got nothing else to do but read random letters people sent him lol maybe through him you can get to greta if she is still in contact with him. mutual friend contact ya know...

  • Why does it work like that? Why can't I be friends with anyone I want to be friends with, whether I've met them before or not?

    Because friendship has to be a mutual arrangement. You have a desire to be friends with Greta, but she knows nothing of you, and probably has thousands of contacts, from the multiple millions of people who find her interesting, every week.

  • Why does it work like that? Why can't I be friends with anyone I want to be friends with, whether I've met them before or not?

    Why should Greta Thunberg or whoever miss out on a great friendship with possibly the nicest bloke in the whole world, just because she doesn't meet me "naturally", and has to make a bit more effort to get to know me? Why should people who meet the nicest people in the world by happening to work at the same place or whatever have an unfair advantage in terms of making friends?

    I'm open to the possibility of a friendship with anyone in the whole world. I don't understand why most other people wouldn't be the same.

  • My former pen friend did this on Twitter. Find this creepy. I used to follow celebrities on social media fan page.