Anyome around greater Manchester?

Hello, lookin for people around greater Manchester, or close to it? :) 

Parents Reply
  • so you should never meet anyone you meet online and AT ALL TIMES communicate appropriately as it only takes one meeting with the wrong person and it will end badly? 

    Okay no, this ^ is fear mongering,
    to be careful you just have to agree to meet in a public place with lots of witnesses, stay in public, (take someone you know with you for the first meeting) and leave at separate times and take a different to your usual route home and obvs do not give them your address or describe the street you live on.

    You don't need a whole group (who most are strangers and can be used by predators who use the false sense of security of "being a member" btw) to meet new people you just need a single effective ally to help watch for red flags whilst you get to enjoy meeting new people because believe it or not most people actually aren't axe murderers.

    Large number of ASD young people and adults diagnosed or not are in prison or mental health hospitals - ALL Sentenced to serious criminal offences! Just because any person could have a clear DBS dues t mean they have not committed a serious criminal offence?

    Also if this is what you think of autistic people that we are all likely criminals this probably isn't the forum for you, because why would you want to talk to a community you already decided are probably awful people?
