New Here Diagnosis help please

Hi I am 51 and have C-PTSD and OCD. I have struggled since forever with all sorts of things, but until recently, 8 months ago when I became so burnt out I could not function and was nearly hospitalised, that Autism was first mentioned. I have many of the symptoms, but I can communicate well, I have learnt what people like to hear and even if I don't mean it, I say it because I know that is what you are supposed to say or act. I find it really tiring and often have to have quiet alone days where I rest and do nothing, but had never put them both together before.

Anyway my therapist has sent a referral to my GP and this is where it falls down. Had to wait 5 weeks for a phone appointment which lasted 3 minutes and the GP couldn't see my referral (my therapist hand delivered it) he also couldn't give me any info on how long the waiting list is, or on right to choose. He said someone would call me in a few days with the info. No call so I rang back to be told they had my referral but no further info and someone would contact me with info by end of week. Still no call

Is this normal for Autism referrals also does anyone know what wait list times are like in the North West? I know they vary all over the UK. But I feel like I have waited so long to get a proper diagnosis, always being fobbed off with it's just generalised anxiety, until this time when I completely burnt out. Would really appreciate some advice

  • Hi Salsa, I'm in Manchester, was diagnosed in January, I consider myself lucky as for me it took about 9 months.  I've no idea why that was and as the other reply says some people wait years.  Could be postcode lottery, could be that I unknowingly ticked a box - at the time I was signed off and in a fairly bad way.  Doctor would not refer me without a face to face appointment to go through an AQ10 and a bunch of other questions. I'd defo try and get a face to face to appointment with the GP to move the referral on.

    In the meantime stay safe!

  • Hi Salsa, I'm in Manchester, was diagnosed in January, I consider myself lucky as for me it took about 9 months.  I've no idea why that was and as the other reply says some people wait years.  Could be postcode lottery, could be that I unknowingly ticked a box - at the time I was signed off and in a fairly bad way.  Doctor would not refer me without a face to face appointment to go through an AQ10 and a bunch of other questions. I'd defo try and get a face to face to appointment with the GP to move the referral on.

    In the meantime stay safe!

  •  Hi I am in Cumbria. I have completed an AQ10 with my therapist/phycologist who also sent a covering letter with how unwell I have been and still am. So fingers crossed my wait is similar to yours. Hope you are feeling better now you have your diagnosis