How do we deal with being insulted?

This topic came up in another thread, and having struggled with the topic myself for about 5 decades, I'd like to see how the rest of you do it.

For me the response to an insult is often confusion. Did I hear that right? Does it mean what I think it means, and if so WhyTF are they insulting me?


Do you see all those nasty question marks? I don't LIKE having to find answers to questions, on the spot, in real time, that's for sure.

In my case I've always seen it as a form of combat, and I really, really, resent having "combat" in any form thrust upon me unexpectedly, so for many years I've not enjoyed that part of life.

Eventually, after much training and dedication I grew to be the "Butterbean" of insult exchangers, which was one way of solving the problem.

How is it for you?

  • Dealing with being insulted is a tricky situation, but it need not be complicated. The first step in addressing an insult is to identify what kind of insult you are dealing with. Is the complaint about your person or about something you did? If the insult is more personal, then feelings of hurt and anger can naturally arise within us. In this case, it is best to take a few deep breaths and take some time away from the situation to process your emotions before reacting.

    On the other hand, if the criticism is regarding something you did or an opinion that was given by you, then it can often be beneficial to respond in a calm and collected manner when given such criticism as this allows for communication exchanges that can help facilitate growth in understanding between both parties involved. When responding to criticisms of this nature try using empathetic language that acknowledges how someone might feel due to their perspective without getting into debates over details - instead focus on both parties coming together on common ground so as reduce potential conflict.

    At times however none of these will work, where an apology alone may not cut it - in which case provide evidence that demonstrate why you believe your decision/opinion/argument was right rather than wrong as proof points have been shown time again help invalidate arguments revolving around insults issued towards another individual. For example when faced by insulting remarks stating “you don't understand” share experiences which contradict this narrative – perhaps even backing them up with facts or statistics where necessary – demonstrating why there has been confusion rather than complete ignorance on our part.

    Finally if all else fails remember actions always speak louder than words; use body language cues such as posture changes , facial expressions etc., during conversations instead of speaking heatedly entirely composed out backlash against another individual’s negative comments. Nonverbal forms of communication objectively also carry much more weight over verbal ones because they demonstrate how one prefers taking part engagingly (and nonviolently) whilst making sure any negative energy does not spill out at inappropriate moments causing further discomforting issues throughout said discussions. At the end day keep looking ahead holding onto hope until better days come around!

  • That's a very literary way to express the matter, but it certainly looks like you covered all the basics there.... for sure.  Hello and welcome.  Interesting first post.  Hope you like it here.   Kind regards Number.

  • That's a very literary way to express the matter, but it certainly looks like you covered all the basics there.... for sure.  Hello and welcome.  Interesting first post.  Hope you like it here.   Kind regards Number.

  • Cadbury's Caramel is on its way to you......take it easy ol'timer....I've got 4 tear tattoos on my face and plenny-a-p's....Fingers-issa-working for my crew now - so you sleep tight !

    [Disambiguation - For any delicate souls, please be reassured that neither myself nor Mr ISperg would be daft enough to publish our intentions to rub each other rest assured, we-issa-joe king.]

  • G-wagon? Puhleese.  Gotta be a black Rangy Vogue with the tinted windaz. 

    And Inapropriate? Does that long word even MEAN "Firm but fair"?

    IN fact, Are you taking the mick sunshine?

    'Fingers pass me the MP5 and a coupla them magazines, this guy is dissing the porpoises, or sumtin'. He needs to be told..."

  • I believe that the course of action you have mooted could conceivably be deemed an incitement and most certainly would, moreover, be deemed inappropriate, against the law and wholly disproportionate to being called a door handle.  I suggest you get cruz'n by in yur G-wagon, before someone here bags you....G.

  • She missed out the part where you whip out the trusty SMG, load and make ready, then select "auto"...

    Although, upon reflection  I suppose that comes under the heading of "actions speak louder than words".