Wearing a face mask

During Covid, I had to go everywhere wearing a face mask. I somehow felt a lot more secure, as if I am in my own private bubble and nobody can see me.  Did anyone else feel like that?

  • I guess some people do. In Japan it is normal to wear a face mask when one wants to, they did this before lockdowns etc. They would wear it if they felt they had a cold, or did not want to catch the common cold, or just felt that they were upset and wanted to cover that, some would do it for a feeling of comfort too. 

    It is a shame that we cant do that here and people start to question why are you wearing a mask. 

    In saying that at present there are still people wearing masks about, not as many as before but some still do. 

    The only think is there are downsides to wearing a mask all the time for health.

  • I'm wearing a face mask at this moment.  I'm on a coach excursion from Yorkshire to the Cotswolds.  Plenty of people coughing on this crowded coach.  Small kids screaming.

  • I had no problems with wearing a mask. As I'm asthmatic, wearing a mask in cold weather was an advantage; it helped to warm the air I was breathing, improving my symptoms.

  • I love wearing a face mask. I feel more comfortable wearing one when I'm out and because the virus is still rife and I feel happier with them I still wear masks. It's also a comfort knowing I have a mask when there's so many germs about. 

  • No I hated it.  I only wore a mask a couple of times then didn't bother.  They caused immense distress to me,  suffocating feeling.

    They don't even work anyway,  it was a massive exercise in state control. 

    Plus seeing everyone masked up with only their eyes visible was quite distressing to me 

  • Oh my gosh, yes! I felt like I didn't have to put on fake smiles when I was shopping and at work Joy 

  • Yeah! And people call US rude!

    I used to get in trouble at work for 'looking bored and miserable'. I was just sitting there. I don't know why people are so bothered by it.

  • Strangers?!?! Wtf!. I hate the fake social smile. I used to be mocked for my serious straight face. 

  • At the start of Covid for the 1st 2 months I wore a mask but it was driving me absolutely mental as it made me feel as tho I could not breath, it also felt as tho my nose was being squished. I also wear glasses both for sight and my dyslexia (I have purple tinted lens) so wearing a mask made my glasses fog up no matter what I did, I also tried the face shields too but they made me feel claustrophobic even tho I could see thru it and it also fogged up too with my breath. I am also prone to panic attacks if I get too stressed out due to both my anxiety and my PTSD.

  • I felt safer and happier going into shops with one. Only small shops briefly though and then removed it out in the open. When I had my first Covid jab it was hard sitting with it on for a long time. Fortunately when I had to wait after they let me stand out in the fresh air.

  • What I liked (and still like) about wearing a mask was that random strangers stopped telling me to smile while I was minding my own business. I do find masks uncomfortable, but not as uncomfortable as being told off in public for having a neutral facial expression.

  • I've been wearing mine since day one and don't intend to stop. The virus is still prevalent and I feel safer and happier when I've got my mask on.

  • I still wear one when out in crowded places. Covid has not gone away and a more transmissible variant has been found. It took me a while to find a reusable mask that I found comfortable. I just feel more safe when people are coughing away around me.  

  • I only wore a mask for the first few weeks of the lock-down, and I hated it; it felt like I was suffocating. It was only because of all the media pressure brain-washing people that I wore one to go to the local supermarket, but I took it off many times as I walked round—and as soon as I got outside, I ripped it off. After a couple of weeks, I never wore one again. Personally, I feel terrible covering my face with a mask.

  • Complete opposite, totally hated masks . They were a symbol of the hell Covid brought to my life, loosing my dad, mum going into care, me having a massive breakdown and the two years that were stollern from my life. 

  • I struggled terribly with mask wearing, I found it a massive sensory overload. I couldn’t breathe, did obviously wear one but often had to leave a shop to calm down and get some air.

  • Yes I had the same feeling. I lowered mine every now and then to help aid breathing, but, wearing it I felt a lot safer and less "obvious". It was nice. I still wear mine, as it helps me.

  • I only, finally, managed to get used to face masks when they stopped being compulsory, so I still carry one and use it in crowded places such as buses and trains, especially when someone is coughing.  I still have a box of 50 unopened face masks.

  • It was harder to breathe and it hurt my ears but I felt like I am protected from the smells even tho I was still able to smell most things, specially my own breath.

  • totally! no one could see who i was, so i didn't have to worry about people identifying me or judging me by my facial expressions. the down side was having to make eye contact