Non smartphone users of the world unite!

Who else on this forum doesn't own a smartphone? Comment on here if you don't have one. 
I would love to know your reasons why as well

I have been heartened to know that I am not alone in standing against the mind numbing, anxiety machines that rule the modern world!

  • I reallyyyyyyyyy want to get rid of mine! However, my university requires us to use a Bluetooth-location coupled app to check in to every single lecture we attend, and our attendance allows us a priority in project choice - ableist or what?!

    I am considering writing a letter to my director of studies about this and explaining why I don't think it is a good idea and why I want to be exempt from it, but I would be so anxious to actually do that.

    Would love to hear peoples' thoughts

  • I suppose I'm lucky.  I am just about old enough to simply refuse to join the wholesale digitisation of life.  I NEVER do click and collect.  I NEVER do internet food shopping.  I NEVER book on line.  I have NO social media - inc. whatsapp.  It was hard to maintain this stance 5 years is monumentally hard now......and frankly, there is no point, beyond the principle of the thing.  I am a principled soul.

    Fun story.......I wanted to book a table at a pub a couple of weeks ago - so as you might expect, I used the telephone.  Imagine my HORROR when I realised that it was an AI machine pretending to be a friendly bar-person ?!?  I persevered, and got a booking for Mr No - this is because when the AI asked for my name, I said No.

  • No. is also an abbreviation for the word "number"....

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