Non smartphone users of the world unite!

Who else on this forum doesn't own a smartphone? Comment on here if you don't have one. 
I would love to know your reasons why as well

I have been heartened to know that I am not alone in standing against the mind numbing, anxiety machines that rule the modern world!

  • I reallyyyyyyyyy want to get rid of mine! However, my university requires us to use a Bluetooth-location coupled app to check in to every single lecture we attend, and our attendance allows us a priority in project choice - ableist or what?!

    I am considering writing a letter to my director of studies about this and explaining why I don't think it is a good idea and why I want to be exempt from it, but I would be so anxious to actually do that.

    Would love to hear peoples' thoughts

  • I reallyyyyyyyyy want to get rid of mine! However, my university requires us to use a Bluetooth-location coupled app to check in to every single lecture we attend, and our attendance allows us a priority in project choice - ableist or what?!

    I am considering writing a letter to my director of studies about this and explaining why I don't think it is a good idea and why I want to be exempt from it, but I would be so anxious to actually do that.

    Would love to hear peoples' thoughts

  • Sounds like you attend Big Brother University! I do think you should write the letter. These days there should be no reason why students shouldn't be allowed to attend lectures virtually or on video. A good, self-motivated student would learn more from reading lecture notes, or even books on the subject, than a student who attended the lectures but was hung over and didn't listen to what was said.

    Personally I would also be asking if they were going to pay for the wretched thing! It's bad enough if one already has one, but completely unacceptable to force someone to buy into a system they disapprove of and neither want to be a part of nor to fund!

  • I suppose I'm lucky.  I am just about old enough to simply refuse to join the wholesale digitisation of life.  I NEVER do click and collect.  I NEVER do internet food shopping.  I NEVER book on line.  I have NO social media - inc. whatsapp.  It was hard to maintain this stance 5 years is monumentally hard now......and frankly, there is no point, beyond the principle of the thing.  I am a principled soul.

    Fun story.......I wanted to book a table at a pub a couple of weeks ago - so as you might expect, I used the telephone.  Imagine my HORROR when I realised that it was an AI machine pretending to be a friendly bar-person ?!?  I persevered, and got a booking for Mr No - this is because when the AI asked for my name, I said No.

  • I am finding this happening more and more. Society, whether it be education settings or workplaces or the NHS, is forcing us to have these machines to be allowed to take part in society. 

    Your university course is a perfect example (BTW Im no legal expert but I think you have a pretty good case for discrimination there)
    My workplace does not allow us to access emails offsite without a smartphone app. When I told the IT department I didn't own one they looked at me like I was some sort of oddball or troublemaker.

    Even doctors surgeries are going the way of needing a smartphone to make appointments. Many appts these days are by video call

    Its pretty clear where its all headed