Missing post

Hi. I just put a lot of time and thought into a lengthy post in the ‘Isolation and Faith’ thread, only for it to mysteriously disappear. It was respectful, measured, and in no way offensive. But it’s vanished. It’s quite upsetting as I was certainly observing the etiquette and spirit of the thread in what I said, and I simply couldn’t begin climbing that mountain again. I felt I’d chosen my words well and simply couldn’t recreate them, nor - surely-should I have to?  - sorry, yours is the only mod name I can ever quickly find, I don’t mean to pester- has a glitch consumed it? Or was it withdrawn despite being basically a nice and well meaning post? If so, was it reported? And why? I’m confused. 

  • if the mods deleted it they would have sent you a notification or email that they had done.

    if they havent done that then perhaps your internet cut out as you sent it or something? then failed to send as you was offline when it sent?

  • if the mods deleted it they would have sent you a notification or email that they had done.

    if they havent done that then perhaps your internet cut out as you sent it or something? then failed to send as you was offline when it sent?
