Paranormal experiences?

I was chatting about this at one point to Steven so our conversation has inspired this thread (and hopefully may bring him back amongst us) Blush

I've had a long number of experiences in my life including:

Poltergeist activity

Hearing 'ghostly' sounds

Seeing 'ghostly' figures

Machinery not working around me

Radios affected by me

Telepathy with loved ones

Prophetic dreams

Feeling colours in the hands of others ie if they are holding something red, knowing which hand it is in

Sensing spirits, including malevolent

Once using a ouija board where I the marker went mad, had a life of its own and upon me asking who we were talking to it spelt out (very quickly) my late grandfather's name.

I could go on ...

Does anyone else have any experience, and please share your (obviously sometimes sceptical) view on this.

  • Wow that’s quite a list!

    I used to see the same lady most nights as a child in my bedroom and it terrified me. She used to stand in the corner of my room holding a large bowl and stirring a wooden spoon in the bowl constantly. I gave her the name The mixer lady. My mum still talks about how much it bothered me to this day. 

  • Wow that’s quite a list!

    I used to see the same lady most nights as a child in my bedroom and it terrified me. She used to stand in the corner of my room holding a large bowl and stirring a wooden spoon in the bowl constantly. I gave her the name The mixer lady. My mum still talks about how much it bothered me to this day. 

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