Feeling overwhelmed and burn out

So it has been a challenging few days. Really feeling the burnout at the moment and seeing some worrying warning signs in myself, things that my brain only does when I am getting unwell and really burned out so I know this is a bad one.

I am stable and more calm than I usually am when I get to this stage of a burnout though which is good

Got a confusing email from my new job today which didnt help. I think I mentioned on here a while ago about the Occupational Therapy team contacting me cos I had disclosed my autism for my new job. The appt with them went well but some wires have been seriously crossed with my employer who think they are waiting for two reports when the OH is only sending one (because my job is a split role so its technically two different jobs Im doing) . Also my boss wants to "discuss" one of my two roles with me when she has the report which has confused me. I hate uncertainty and not knowing what she has to talk about. It was kind of the tipping point today. Ended up going to Iceland to get dinner and just freezing for 15 mins with a pizza in my hand, unable to get my brain to work. 

  • i think if its 2 jobs they will get a different report for each of the jobs... so 2 jobs, 2 reports... the report is likely based on the evaluation of whether you can or cannot do that role and or what changes and accommodations need to be made for each role if you can do it or whether no changes are necessary.

  • Yes I think your right and thats what my employer thinks too but the problem is that the nurse doing the assesment didnt realise it was two jobs, she thought it was just one so shes written her report and disappeared while the employer are still waiting for a second report that wont be coming 

  • ahhhh i hate that kind of beaurocratic black hole, it adds too much waiting time and a forced requirement to have to chase them and pester them yourself. it reminds me of having to deal with solicitors and do their job for them.

  • ahhhh i hate that kind of beaurocratic black hole, it adds too much waiting time and a forced requirement to have to chase them and pester them yourself. it reminds me of having to deal with solicitors and do their job for them.
