Annoying Sounds That Drive Me Insane

I spend a lot of time travelling on trains in the course of my work and there are two sounds that drive me nuts, to the extent that I’ll go and find myself another seat if that’s possible and, if it’s not, I’ll just grit my teeth in anguish! 
The first is the sound of people typing on their laptops, the rattling keystroke sounds make me want to scream! Second is the sound of people whispering to one-another. You get this in museums and galleries too. Just speak normally people, there’s no need to whisper, I can hear you anyway.

Obviously, the tick tick sound of IPhone ear buds or Air Pods is also infuriating, but I imagine that’s the case for most people!

  • Kids screaming, dogs continuously barking, taps dripping, dogs licking and cleaning themselves, someone coughing for long periods of time, someone rubbing their hand on their skin (skin against skin), squeaky doors, slamming doors, certain peoples voices that go straight through me, people that talk very loudly, if I’m in a quiet environment and someone has a fizzy drink in a can I can hear the bubbles. Too many to list. 

  • I too cannot stand dogs barking. I don't mind if it is just a couple of barks but if the dog is constantly barking and howling anything longer than 2 min to all day and night that drives me insane.

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