Annoying Sounds That Drive Me Insane

I spend a lot of time travelling on trains in the course of my work and there are two sounds that drive me nuts, to the extent that I’ll go and find myself another seat if that’s possible and, if it’s not, I’ll just grit my teeth in anguish! 
The first is the sound of people typing on their laptops, the rattling keystroke sounds make me want to scream! Second is the sound of people whispering to one-another. You get this in museums and galleries too. Just speak normally people, there’s no need to whisper, I can hear you anyway.

Obviously, the tick tick sound of IPhone ear buds or Air Pods is also infuriating, but I imagine that’s the case for most people!

  • How infuriating! I lived in a 1st floor flat and someone had their car parked below my window and would come out in winter and start it and leave it warming up for ages, it would wake me up and keep me awake, horrible.

  • I too cannot stand dogs barking. I don't mind if it is just a couple of barks but if the dog is constantly barking and howling anything longer than 2 min to all day and night that drives me insane.

  • Where I used to live there was a man who lived across the street from me and he used to come out of his house, rev his motorbike up constantly for 30 minutes straight then go back inside for an hour or 2 then come back and start again. So I understand how annoying it is.

  • I can relate to that because I too cannot stand buzzing sound from bees, wasps and flies. It is not to bad when they at the other side of the room but its when they fly right next to my ears that it really infuriates and creeps me out.

  • The sounds that really drive me nuts are, the sound of electric alarm clocks when the alarm sounds. To wake myself I usually either wake up naturally or if I do have to be up at a certain time then I set my alarm on my phone to a ring tone. I also cannot stand the sound people scrapping their chairs in and out from under a table (seriously pick the chair up ). Another sound that drives me mental is the sound of people snoring, I can't explain why it drives me nuts, it just does, and when someone is swinging a creaky door back and forth. 

  • I too find background hums difficult. At night they can disturb my sleep.

  • Sound is my biggest sensory difficulty and basically anything can be annoying. Background  hums of boilers or air conditioning combined with added layers of sound are particularly hard tobdeal with ie. hoovers/washing machines etc.

    Top worst agressor to my ears in public are when men jangle keys or change in their  pockets. Goodness I have to walk away as that one is a serious rage inducer!

  • Now, you would think having had tinnitus for many years I would by now be ok with it--but NO I AM NOT!!!

  • I agree, all of the above. Cafes, coffee machines are so loud,and noisy shops. 

  • I always envy the quiet sneezers of this world, mine isn't quite like the QE2 coming in to dock, but on the approach road. But one just gets the one one is given. I wish I had a more elegant and discrete sneeze. 

  • There are plenty of sounds that can drive me insane. One of them happens to be the sound of my son's sneezes, as they're absolutely deafening. If I'm aware that he's about to sneeze, I have to brace myself for it and cover my ears. I consider it a miracle that my house is still standing, and that the glass in my windows hasn't shattered. Astonished

  • Children screaming.  Coffee machines in places like Starbucks.  Ambulances or horns. Loud voices in a bar or restaurant. People chomping food! especially with an open mouth. Any unexpected beep, beep, beep e.g a lady parking her wheelchair at a craft class.  Hand air dryers definitely.  Lovely staff lady at the craft class talked in screech tones in an echoey hall. I had to leave the class for another which was quieter. 

    I do make lots of effort to be tolerant though especially people.

    As a teenager had a job in a tool factory. Had to leave after three days because of having nightmares in bed at night because of he noise at the factory in the day.

    However as a teenager saw Black Sabbath.  I like rock music. Sounds contradictory but it is not.

  • What's really driving me insane at the moment is a dog barking continuously in a neighbouring flat.  I'm trying to read a book in peace and quiet.

  • I was once asked what I would like for my Birthday, and I replied that I'd like a clock, but one which doesn't tick. Realised as I was saying it that it probably sounded odd, but I knew what I meant!

  • Everything that Zoe said, and I'd like to add that when I'm on a train I seem to get someone who sits nearby who opens a large bag of crisps, and both the constant rustling of the packet, and the crunching are really annoying.

  • My main bugbear is people who cheerfully whistle loudly, it’s like having knitting needles  pushed into my ears. They need to be banished to Room 101.

  • Not to mention the announcement to See it say it sorted!

  • Yes, some of them are like a jet engine going at full blast!

  • I hate the super loud beeps they have now put on trains.  They go right through me.