What's gender?

A discussion in this forum made me ask myself this question, what's gender?. I googled it but what I found there didn't make much sense to me. I always thought that the gender of the other person doesn't tell me much about who they are. It just informs me about the appropriate pronouns that this person wants me to use with them. Frankly I don't care about figuring out my gender. I was born in a woman's body and I never felt like it's the wrong one. I think I'd feel the same if I was born in a man's body. I have never spent time thinking about this part of myself because I never thought that it's important enough to me. I'll be the same person anyway, no? I don't think it would change much about who I am... Can anyone share how they understand gender?

  • I feel exactly the same way, it’s like everyone else has this link between their mind and their body, and I just don’t. I remember having a conversation when I was 18 and people trying to explain it to me, and I just didn’t get it. It was only after diagnosis did I realise I had no concept of what gender actually was. It’s ultimately why I now identify as non-binary or agendered as I really don’t feel like I fit in with the whole gender thing. 
    I don’t tend to make a big deal about it, I was born male, as of right now I continue to present as male so accept that’s what people will refer to me as, but if anyone cares to ask, I will say they/them. I have also seriously considered trying presenting as female just to try it, but it would require large changes to routine which is a pretty big challenge for me.

  • I feel exactly the same way, it’s like everyone else has this link between their mind and their body, and I just don’t. I remember having a conversation when I was 18 and people trying to explain it to me, and I just didn’t get it. It was only after diagnosis did I realise I had no concept of what gender actually was. It’s ultimately why I now identify as non-binary or agendered as I really don’t feel like I fit in with the whole gender thing. 
    I don’t tend to make a big deal about it, I was born male, as of right now I continue to present as male so accept that’s what people will refer to me as, but if anyone cares to ask, I will say they/them. I have also seriously considered trying presenting as female just to try it, but it would require large changes to routine which is a pretty big challenge for me.

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