Favourite year/s in your life/milestones

Thanks to  for inspiring this thread.

These are my answers to her original question (on another thread).

They can be personal, political/history etc.

Here are some of my personal ones.

1976, whilst still at school, meeting a (still) close friend.

1992, when I started to see a psycho/sexual psychologist.

1992, meeting my other close friend.

2007, starting a relationship with my now husband.

2015, when I was able to give up work.

2022, re my autism diagnosis (and joining this forum).

These are life milestones/turning points.  Different perhaps from the ones we are meant to consider so.

How about yours?

  • That's kind.

    Thank you .

    I'm glad you stayed here yourself Blush

  • Welcome back. It wasn't the same without you.

  • My favourite year was 2018. I won a swimming competition, it nearly half killed me but it was worth it. My mother got to see me win and it was a wonderful moment that I won't ever forget. And then the same year an old friend came to me for help and together I helped reunite him with his son which took us from one end of the country to the other. All in all the best year I've had. 

  • I'll do my best to behave myself. Slight smile

  • Thank you Blush

    You may but not for too long please.

  • Glad to have you back. Does this mean i  can go AWOL? Slight smile

  • Thank you everyone for your replies.

    It's nice to learn a little more about each other.

  • Thank you to AWOL for starting such a nice thread

    As far as my young childhood goes, a lot of the early memories kind of blend together in a happy mix, I remember days out to the seaside and London with my parents, time spent at my Grandma's house (who was like a second mom to me), and time spent with other homeschooled childhood friends who were oddballs like me so I could be myself and feel comfortable with and all those things but I cant really remember the years of most of them

    1999 I discovered cricket for the first time, something which has been a great comfort to my brain over the years, the slow pace, the certainty and rhythm of every ball. I watched the 1999 World Cup and my mom took me to my first cricket match 

    2000 Joined a homeschoolers sports group at the local Leisure Centre and made some amazing friends, sadly not in touch with any of them now but we had some great years together. 

    2005 The year I remember being at my happiest. We had found a church that had a great youth group and I made such good friends. I felt like I really belonged with these people.Also had my first girlfriend there.  I remember when Chelsea played Liverpool in the European Cup semi final, the youth leaders brought out a grainy old TV where you could barely see the picture through the static and we all gathered round and watched it together. At half time we just randomly decided to have a full contact game of rugby with a basketball in the church hall.  Happy times 

    2014 I broke free from a really crappy relationship and had a whole summer of being free and single, I had a wonderful job helping special needs kids too which I really enjoyed and at the end of the year I met my wife!

    2015 Moved in with my wife and started our first home together,  a few months later my gran passed on

    2016 Got made homeless through violent drug gangs in our building. My mom and dad took us in, ended up staying there 5 years. Got married to my wife in May. 

    2017 My life changed after I had a massive falling out with the group of lads who I had been friends for 8 years with. We havnt spoken from that day since. It was one of the best things that ever happened to me. Looking back I was able to realise how terrible they had been for me, being with them turned me into someone I wasnt and they treated me like crap. Since then I have started to be more free in life

    2018 A wonderful year. I rediscovered my passion for my Christian faith, spent the year out in nature feeding ducks and being out in the countryside and attempted to do the whole Tom and Barbara self sufficiency thing. Grew three months worth of crops in the garden, sold my first article as a writer and kind of got out of the rat race

    2019 My first child was born, my little boy who is my world

    2021 Me and my wife finally got our dream house, a little council place in the countryside. Started building a life for ourselves in our new home

    2022 A very traumatic year full of ups and downs but ended with the joy of our baby daughter being born 

    2023 I feel more at peace than ever, although I still have big ups and downs, and I pray that continues 

  • Thank you for sharing this, its really amazing how you write and to know about your life like that

  • Oh that’s amazing! Such a kind thing to do for your mum! I would love to be able to do something like that sometime in future but not sure I will ever be able to.

  • This is a great idea!

    2014: First time I spent time in a lab- I did a two week internship which really convinced me that I love science and research. The rest of the year was not good but at least one good thing! 

    2015: Starting University - first time I ever made friends. Not an easy year otherwise but the university was a massive positive

    2019: Again not really a great year, but I spent 3 weeks hiking the GR20 in Corsica which was one of the best times of my life- I felt so free and empowered and I loved every second of it. I would never have gone home if I could have stayed. 

    So far 2023 has not been a good year, but as I am starting something new (which is terrifying and involves way too much stress and uncertainty at the moment), I am hopeful that it will make the list if I am asked about good years in the future :) 

  • Okay, well I don't like to invest in anything without knowing more than that, but good for you though. /gen (again)

  • The video to that song used to scare the wits out of me.

  • 1989 was memorable year for good and sad reasons, 

    my mother died a few months after my 16th Birthday, that was very sad, I had a hard time accepting that.
    then on a happier note,  I was 16! I had a moped, and within 12 months. I had my first car. The summer was hot and long. I was also old enough to get away with going into pubs and get served alcohol. 
    A happy but sad year.

  • 1992 was before I was born but I did just read that Stay by Shakespeare's Sister was from that year. Awesome song!

    Thanks to Google for the knowledge. Grinning

  • I have things and people that have always been there for me too. Slight smile

  • Oh yes it's permanently on my driving playlist :) 

  • Same here. It's great when driving as well, can just sing it loud in my own little world.

  • I've never heard of Stonewall until you mentioned it. They will likely benefit both directly and indirectly from the project however. Sorry i can't be more specific but i'm not able to discuss things in fine detail on a public forum despite wanting to

  • I'll have to give that a bit of thought as to how to best express it. Beyond saying 'it's always been there for me.' Actually, maybe that's enough.