Suggestions for things we can do to help ourselves re ASD

There's not a lot of support out there and, per my *disabled thread, it's unclear about what benefits, if any, we can access.

* Link here for info:

So, I've so far:

Got a disability badge from my county council

Today purchased an 'I am autistic' badge from Amazon

Today purchased loop ear plugs from Amazon

Purchased a disability toilet key from Amazon

What else can we do to make our lives a little bit easier?


  • Mostly I just cut myself more slack and try not to beat myself up. Also planning in recovery for things which are overstimulating or stressful, not just physically tiring.

    I did ask the vet to email me the details about my sick cat, whereas before I knew I would have just tried to remember what they said, so that was useful. And then I was able to ask questions by email too, rather than just wonder or force myself to use the phone. (My cat is doing well, it turns out he doesn't have cancer! He even started playing again recently.)

    But I am still in hiding from covid, might need to consider more things if I ever re-emerge...

    I am seriously considering getting a diagnosis so I can get a hospital passport thing as I have always been worried about if I had to have an op. Even more since my Dad had one and they put things on his feet that kept squeezing them to prevent blood clots, and he had to give himself injections! No way could I cope with those things, quite apart from the noise, lights and heat. And am looking into neurodivergent counselling/coaching.

  • (My cat is doing well, it turns out he doesn't have cancer! He even started playing again recently.)

    That is exceptionally good news.

    Very pleased for you and the puss Heart eyes cat

    I am seriously considering getting a diagnosis so I can get a hospital passport thing as I have always been worried about if I had to have an op. Even more since my Dad had one and they put things on his feet that kept squeezing them to prevent blood clots, and he had to give himself injections! No way could I cope with those things, quite apart from the noise, lights and heat

    I was in hospital for a few days a few weeks ago.

    Autism was on my record.

    I'm not sure what difference it made or whether a passport ** would make much difference to how you are treated.

    It would depend on various  factors but might be especially useful if a person has little or no speech.

    It is pretty chaotic a lot of the time, care staff are under enormous pressure, especially time-wise, and you can't really get away from the 'noise, lights and heat'.

    Luckily I had Covid so I had a room of my own and then was moved to another room (as often happens, you are always being moved around in hospital).

    I found it very stressful but they may have saved my life, so I'm very grateful.


  • Very pleased for you and the puss

    Thank you.

    I'm glad hospital saved your life, that must have been scary.

    My Dad was in hospital at New Year with an infected kidney stone, he found it very difficult. As you say they are far too busy. He is undiagnosed so certainly no special treatment. I'm sure they did their best. One never knows though, things might change for the better in a few years and it still might be worth my while getting this passport thing. At the very least it would explain why one was having a meltdown!

    I have actually today booked an appointment with Sara Heath for pre-diagnosis!

  • Very pleased for you and the puss

    Thank you.

    I'm glad hospital saved your life, that must have been scary.

    My Dad was in hospital at New Year with an infected kidney stone, he found it very difficult. As you say they are far too busy. He is undiagnosed so certainly no special treatment. I'm sure they did their best. One never knows though, things might change for the better in a few years and it still might be worth my while getting this passport thing. At the very least it would explain why one was having a meltdown!

    I have actually today booked an appointment with Sara Heath for pre-diagnosis!

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