Dating/ Dating Apps

I need some help/guidance. I really would like to push myself into actually having an adult life. I don’t go out, and if I do then it’s for appointments or seeing family.

I thought about joining online dating again…I considered signing up to eHarmony but even though I love how I’m depth it is, the price to be able to see more things is ridiculous! Over £100!!! And that’s only for 6 months then they have 12 & 24 I think Thinking they don’t have monthly…

I tried to look on other dating sites but their just the same. I feel like I will never find anyone (since I don’t go out) and I don’t want to be a virgin for the rest of my life *sighs* sometimes I wish I was in one of my romance books x

  • To give you some hope I met my wife on a dating site. The arrival of internet dating in the late 90's massivley changed my life. I was a virgin unil I was about 30, never asked anybody out face to face in my life, never saw the signs. Internet dating back then seemed much more serious. You had to have a PC, no phone apps,  and many people didn't have internet, dial up at that. Modern dating seems so much more throw away and shallow and anybody can do it. Met my wife in 2005 after three serious relationships, we haven't murdered each other yet!

  • To give you some hope I met my wife on a dating site. The arrival of internet dating in the late 90's massivley changed my life. I was a virgin unil I was about 30, never asked anybody out face to face in my life, never saw the signs. Internet dating back then seemed much more serious. You had to have a PC, no phone apps,  and many people didn't have internet, dial up at that. Modern dating seems so much more throw away and shallow and anybody can do it. Met my wife in 2005 after three serious relationships, we haven't murdered each other yet!

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