Medicinal cannabis

I’ve recently been prescribed medicinal cannabis from the sapphire clinic. Starting with adven 4% thc cbd oil and will then go onto the the 20% thc oil for my social anxiety. Has anyone tried these cbmp? And have they helped you at all?

  • Being totally anti-drugs myself, I’m quite alarmed by the potentially unethical, if not illegal, prescription of drugs by a body that is not a GP and not the NHS - reading about cannabis in any form could very well be illegal activity and could very well trigger police involvement and at the very least, if medical professionals are involved, could involve serious charges of professional misconduct - here in Manchester, we have serious problems with illegal street drugs and it’s very worrying - promoting the use of such potentially illegal and potentially dangerous drugs is highly irresponsible - the use of drugs are fine, but there are proper channels, policies and procedures to be gone through, such as a GP or a mental health professional via the NHS prescribing these only - I’ve seen a lot of these “alternative” ways of getting drugs and I firmly believe that these places must be targeted by the police and in police raids to shut these places down, as I’ve witnessed at first hand the immense damage that these places can cause to communities - the same applies to selling these drugs online and I continue to report such websites to police every time I come across them, as it is the one thing that I have an absolutely zero tolerance and zero patience mindset about and for 

  • I take it that you are teetotal and do not drink coffee tea or use aspirins, ibuprofen, paracetamol, cough mixture etc.

    These are ALL "drugs". Legal Drugs.

    And I further take it that you will value the word of a "qualified" stranger about what drugs will work for you, and what will not? Or on what drugs you MAY try and what they tell you you may not?

    And how much did your social group enjoy "zero tolerance" when it was applied to your own form of diversity? 

    You are effectively telling the world that YOUR deviation from the norm is O.K. because it's (currently) socially sanctioned, yet my deviation for the norm is intolerable AND YOU ARE ACTUALLY ENFORCING that intolerance!! 

    *** you pal, my friends list just got a bit shorter...

  • This is quite offensive in my opinion. I mean being gay isn’t a choice but taking drugs IS. You are born gay. You are not born a cannabis addict. IrishInManchesterUK is correct in his zero tolerance approach in my view. As I don’t believe these drugs are any good for human kind. Coffee, alcohol and aspirins etc are different because they’ve been tested and approved by scientists. Whereas with cannabis scientists have repeatedly over and over again found that use increases risk of psychosis and eventually schizophrenia. Not to mention that this illusion of ‘no one ever dies from cannabis’ is just that an illusion. What about all the people who smoke weed and kill themselves or others because the voices told them to. Just say no. 

  • Maybe a metaphor for the where our laws around drugs belong - with the dinosaurs. Or something.  I know in my head what I mean.

  • got some ladders for my dinosaur lol Joy 

  • happenstance

    Nice word.

    Word of the day, week, possibly month.

  • I could definitely get on my high horse!
    And I haven't got a ladder big enough. 

  • I don’t know how to take what you said but anyway. Life is a waterfall :-)

  • I could definitely get on my high horse! But I'll choose not to for the sake of my own sanity and flouting the forum rules. And I haven't got a ladder big enough. 

    Thank you, good night.

  • I’m not proposing the widespread use of weed, just pointing out that alcohol is only legal because it became widespread before it was understood how incredibly damaging it is. The same was true of tobacco.

    There is no high horse to sit on that includes attacking one substance and defending another when their respective legal positions are random historical happenstance.

  • But yeh I get your point. Alcohol has the potential to be very damaging for a small minority of people. Most people can drink with no issues I think it’s fair to say.

  • But yeh that’s only because alcohol is the most used substance. If cannabis was used by 80% of the population like alcohol is then weed would be the most damaging substance. Because then we would really see the health impacts of weed. It’s hard to see the health impact just now when only 5-15% of the population smoke weed. Just like it’s hard to tell how damaging vapes are when only 5-10% of people use them. 

  • But yeh that’s only because alcohol is the most used substance. If cannabis was used by 80% of the population like alcohol is then weed would be the most damaging substance. Because then we would really see the health impacts of weed. It’s hard to see the health impact just now when only 5-15% of the population smoke weed. Just like it’s hard to tell how damaging vapes are when only 5-10% of people use them. 
