Resigned Acceptance

It's not a low mood, or emotional anguish, it is literally just a resigned acceptance that everything happening is too much and there's only one course of action. Not an immediate need, just a it will happen when it does. I'm still doing things I enjoy. I've called it resigned acceptance,  but really I don't know what this is. It's kinda like sitting in an armchair in a burning building and thinking "well at least it's warm."

I'm just thinking out loud, so to speak.

  • Sitting in an armchair in a burning building and thinking at least its warm yes!. I absolutely understand this feeling.

    For me, it's a better position than worry because you aren't trying to.change things you have no control over. More Stoic. I think Seneca said if you are a dog tied to a cart, you can either struggle and cause yourself more pain and discomfort, or just run along with the cart.

    The challenge for me, is knowing when I really don't have a choice!

  • Sitting in an armchair in a burning building and thinking at least its warm yes!. I absolutely understand this feeling.

    For me, it's a better position than worry because you aren't trying to.change things you have no control over. More Stoic. I think Seneca said if you are a dog tied to a cart, you can either struggle and cause yourself more pain and discomfort, or just run along with the cart.

    The challenge for me, is knowing when I really don't have a choice!

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