The things that have helped you most?

Given experience often helps, and there are often newly diagnosed members joining the forum, I thought if we shared the things that help us most in bullet points it would be an easy read reference for everyone?

For me, has been:

- Meeting only small groups if I plan to meet people

- Meditation & Breath work (helped anxiety & digestion)

- Symprove Probiotics (helped anxiety & digestion)

- Walking in nature (elevates mood)

- Watching childhood movies (calming)

  • Things that help me:

    • Breaking down big tasks into lots of little pieces to prevent overwhelm/help executive dysfunction
    • Reading lots about the experience of other autistic adults to know I'm not alone
    • Owning a pet- my dog doesn't judge me, people accept his need for routine more than mine, stroking his fur is a sensory joy and a stim that doesn't bother anyone (quite the opposite, in the dog's opinion!)
    • Noise cancelling headphones
    • Therapy to deal with the trauma of going through school as an undiagnosed autistic kid
    • Natural light, which is the opposite of whatever sensory hell is going on with fluorescent lights in shops
  • Animals are such a great way to reset ey, and I should definitely find a therapist

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