Do I really need the diagnosis......

am new here so be gentle....

am in my late 30's, never really fit in my whole life and always struggled with....well just life.....over 10 years ago my son was diagnosed very young and I through myself into researching autism.....and supporting him in every way I thought possible. So now over 30 years into my life and over 10 years into my son's diagnisos it has become so blatantly obvious I am autistic.

My husband says so much makes sense now and I agree so much in life makes sense.

So I know, my nearest and dearest all know but I still crave a diagnosis and I dont know how to explain why.......was anyone else like this??

  • Thank you everyone for all your replies. The doctor has agreed I am likely austistic and had me, my mum and husband fill out forms - the answers confirmed it for her and she has referred me but am told 5-7 years wait and I just feel its hanging over me so am looking at going crazy and I guess I was thinking maybe am mad paying all that money but you have helped me with your replies  I feel I can justify wanting the diagnosis more.
    I forever have mum guilt so spending money on myself for any reason is always hard but I do think it will help me as a person and a mum to know

  • Thank you everyone for all your replies. The doctor has agreed I am likely austistic and had me, my mum and husband fill out forms - the answers confirmed it for her and she has referred me but am told 5-7 years wait and I just feel its hanging over me so am looking at going crazy and I guess I was thinking maybe am mad paying all that money but you have helped me with your replies  I feel I can justify wanting the diagnosis more.
    I forever have mum guilt so spending money on myself for any reason is always hard but I do think it will help me as a person and a mum to know

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