why need a diagnosis

I don't understand why my doctor is sending me for a diagnosis to confirm or not confirm ADHD and Autism when firstly she said i remember now that there is no medication for Autism and for ADHD there is medication for. I'm confused my brain isn't processing what i want to ask. Or god. It might be mixed up i know you will be able to understand what i'm trying to ask you. Why put us through all the stress anxiety frustration anger despair of having to wait on the waiting list for 2 years for a proper diagnosis just to be told you have it or haven't it. If you have it there's no medication for Autism and most probably i'm not going to be suitable for the ADHD medication. I did say this and my doctor said it's nice to know some of the things i have is because of the ADHD and Autism to stop me being so hard on myself. To me it's giving me false hope. My brain keeps telling me when i see the psychiatrist and they diagnoses me with it i will get medication then it will all be overed with for me. This isn't going to be true though is it. Then i go back to thinking i don't understand why i am being put through all this stress and anxiety for the next two years and not get anything at the end of it. Whose benefiting by it not me. 

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