Has anybody heard the news, the Americans have shot down a UFO over Alaska, apparently the size of a small car. 
I wonder if it’s Chinese or Extraterrestrial?

  • It's not UFO it's people from the future. Various fractions keep on trying to change their past to their liking.

    Why would aliens want to come to such a hostile planet, with hostile inhabitants who can't stand each other? I'm sure they call Earth ''Green Hell''.

  • Extraterrestrial ufos have only a liminal kind of existence. Always just out of range of a good photo. Somehow we project them, their purpose being to draw us ‘out there’ not to become solidly real enough to visit this joint. 

  • Extraterrestrial ufos have only a liminal kind of existence. Always just out of range of a good photo. Somehow we project them, their purpose being to draw us ‘out there’ not to become solidly real enough to visit this joint. 

  • My friend philosopher has a theory that Earth is a prison planet, and there are aliens in their ships parked in orbit, making sure we don't escape. I support him everytime. It's enough to say ''You never know''. Stuck out tongue

  • When I was in primary school, I had three friends, two of whom didn't get on. Friend 1 came to school one day with a photo of a UFO he claimed to have seen. Friend 2 said it was a lump of blu-tac stuck to the window. I defended Friend 1 because A) I knew Friend 2 picked on him a lot and B) because I'm a gullible autistic. Anyway, weeks or months later, Friend 1 admitted it was a fake and I felt an idiot.

  • So they're extradimensional not extraterestial? so it's probably those pesky humans again