Forum phenomenon I’ve noticed

This isn’t a criticism, just an observation. In fact my heart goes out to those prone to doing it as they seem to be experiencing a particular form of autistic ‘blind-spot’ that may leave them feeling isolated and unheard when really they’ve just been shouting into the dark without realising.

The phenomenon in question: basically someone newish to the forum sensibly browses for threads on topic x rather than start a totally new thread. But as they read through, they hone in on one point made by one user and reply to it, asking a question of them perhaps. In many cases, that user has not been around for quite a while, but the new person seems unaware of this statistical likelihood and Unless one of us points it out they are left like a tree falling in the forest. One of us will maybe spot their comment and help them out by pointing out that no response will ever come. But other times we might just be confused why an old thread has bobbed up to the surface and can’t see the recent comment buried among the old ones. 

I have not practical advice to offer. It just makes me feel a bit wistful and sad for the person with that vulnerability to not factoring in the passage of time. Does anyone get that poignant feeling about it all? It makes me sad. Not just for the ‘ignored’ person but for the many lost ‘ghosts’ who we may one day be sooner than we intended. I miss everyone in advance, all the time. And complacency in this place will never take hold as departures of both kinds recently, (as well as more mayfly forum existences)  will not be the last. I like and appreciate everyone who’s here, even if they’re just quietly sitting ‘at the back’ - all losses are felt keenly. Best wishes to all. 

  • I haven't been around on these pages for that long - about 6 months actively.  I that time, generally, I think the community manages to catch many of these "shouters in the dark" reasonably well.  It isn't a full proof system, but normally some calm eyes and fingers will flash up to say hi.  Not perfect - so lets just all keep our eyes open - we know what it felt like.  #Spread the love [I've absolutely no idea what that hashtag thing means, - probably takes you to some dodgy porn site - so caveat emptor  FYI I've never visited a Twitter Snap Tik Bot Tok Page in my life! [INSERT Boomer emoji with sledgehammer furiously smashing the interweb.]

  • Boomer

    Battlestar Galactica fan? I met few hopelessly in love with her

  • Not really.  I believe a "Boomer" is someone who is out of touch, a bit remedial, not up to date, a bit of a "dad-dancer", a door handle, S P O O N S  

  • I'm shocked the medical bods said your pain was psychological!

    Sadly it's not an unusual thing to happen if you have a SMI. Then they wonder why, taken as a group, we die at a considerably younger age.

  • Your definition is the same as mine 'baby boomer', although that's my parents generation.

    I'm shocked the medical bods said your pain was psychological! I'm glad you got it sorted tho but sorry to hear your having so many challenges with your health

  • I don't believe I'm a Boomer at all to be honest, but I suppose it depends from whom's perspective I'm looking at myself from.  In this instance, I referred to myself that way as a defensive mask.  I have opinions that are out of step and untoward in many respects - but have often been proven to be ahead of my time.....eventually.  Nice to meet  you firemonkey, whether you are a boomer of otherwise.

  • I don't believe I'm a Boomer at all to be honest, but I suppose it depends from whom's perspective I'm looking at myself from.  In this instance, I referred to myself that way as a defensive mask.  I have opinions that are out of step and untoward in many respects - but have often been proven to be ahead of my time.....eventually.  Nice to meet  you firemonkey, whether you are a boomer of otherwise.

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