Misophonia BBC Radio 2

Just wondered if anyone caught the segment on The Jeremy Vine Show yesterday? It is on BBC Sounds as a catch-up.  It was really interesting, to hear other people openly talk about it. The common link seems to be how the noise turns into anger so quickly. I know I often leave the dinner table because my head gets to exploding point. My wife sat in the car next to me yesterday eating an apple, I don’t know where the anger comes from.

  • Rustling newspaper - snapping open a broadsheet (thankfully, now virtually a thing/noise of the past) sends me into the red zone in a matter of seconds.  One of my earliest memorable experiences with sound "problems."

  • Rustling newspaper - snapping open a broadsheet (thankfully, now virtually a thing/noise of the past) sends me into the red zone in a matter of seconds.  One of my earliest memorable experiences with sound "problems."

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