Employed or self employed

Since being diagnosed with autism my head been whirling about everything especially about employment.   I have had terrible experiences with jobs in the past with only one being a positive experience in employment.  I am currently registered as self-employed with  my freelance writing but I need to get into regular routine again but I feel I need to get a job again as it would give more structure to my day again. I don't know what to do if I should do both self employed and employed so confused as before lockdown I was in university and it gave me structure.  

Really need some advice? 

  • I work as a freelance copywriter - currently most of my work is with agencies which removes the need for me to find and manage my own clients. I'm still pretty busy despite AI.

    Agencies are always looking for competent and reliable writers to join their freelance networks. 

    Good luck!

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    How did you get into copywriting and what qualifications does one need to do so?  Can it be worked around being a single parent to a child with additional support needs in your opinion?  Does this mean you are registered as self employed and have to sort out your own NI/Tax?

Reply Children
  • You could get a bookkeeper to take care of your self-assessment for you. You wouldn't need an accountant as such, and there are lots of people who offer a basic service taking care of your self-assessment at a relatively low cost. There are jobs for junior copywriters on a part-time and remote basis if you didn't want to be self-employed. As an avid writer you'd be ideal I suspect. 

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    I consider myself pretty articulate but I found in the past what tax returns really stressed me because I have a mental blindness where some maths is concerned and so I got ill when self employed.  I am an avid writer of many thing though so it's a shame I can't use the skill to support myself.... I think it's wonderful you are doing what you like work wise as many with MH challenges can't do it.  Me, myself and I.

  • It's highly flexible, so you can certainly do it around other commitments. You can be full or part-time. I'm registered as self-employed and have to submit a self-assessment which is pretty straightforward because my business finances aren't complicated. There are all kinds of routes into it and people come from all kinds of backgrounds - the main requirement is the ability to write concisely and clearly.