Do you work?

I was working in English, teaching writing to students and I had been doing this for a long time but had to cut down to part time because of autistic burnout and physical stress. I went to work before Xmas but left after an hour I couldn't cope and I've not been back since. I can't do work anymore it's like I get pulled under fierce waves in the dark and I can't breathe or see. My husband is supportive and has said to stay at home and go back when I'm ready but I don't want to quit in case I'm never ready to return to work. But I feel selfish for being like this because my husband has to deal with me.

I've had a couple of jobs working in shops and at a hospital but the experience haven't been good. I was hoping my teaching would be a good one and last but it looks like I've failed again. I have no idea how people keep their jobs without burning out. I cannot get the hang of it.

  • I can really identify with this, I think we are in the same boat. I am currently working in English in a school right now and I just cant cope with it much more. I am so overwhelmed and burned out from the expecations, the noise, the constant social interactions, the rules, everything. Just want to run away somewhere. Can feel another big burnout coming on soon

    I went to work before Xmas but left after an hour I couldn't cope

    This is exactly the sort of thing that happens to me 

    it's like I get pulled under fierce waves in the dark and I can't breathe or see.

    Thats a really good description of it. I often feel like its a wall in front of me that I physcially cant push through but the whole world around me is forcing me to try

    You really dont need to feel guilty. It sounds like you have a really supportive husband and you have to remember that by trying to go to work for so long as an autistic person going through all this, you have already achieved far more than most NT people do in their fancy careers. It probobly took way more strength for you than for them. You deserve time to be kind to yourself

  • I can really identify with this, I think we are in the same boat. I am currently working in English in a school right now and I just cant cope with it much more. I am so overwhelmed and burned out from the expecations, the noise, the constant social interactions, the rules, everything. Just want to run away somewhere. Can feel another big burnout coming on soon

    I went to work before Xmas but left after an hour I couldn't cope

    This is exactly the sort of thing that happens to me 

    it's like I get pulled under fierce waves in the dark and I can't breathe or see.

    Thats a really good description of it. I often feel like its a wall in front of me that I physcially cant push through but the whole world around me is forcing me to try

    You really dont need to feel guilty. It sounds like you have a really supportive husband and you have to remember that by trying to go to work for so long as an autistic person going through all this, you have already achieved far more than most NT people do in their fancy careers. It probobly took way more strength for you than for them. You deserve time to be kind to yourself

  • you have to remember that by trying to go to work for so long as an autistic person going through all this, you have already achieved far more than most NT people do in their fancy careers. It probobly took way more strength for you than for them. You deserve time to be kind to yourself

    You have to remember this too