Do you work?

I was working in English, teaching writing to students and I had been doing this for a long time but had to cut down to part time because of autistic burnout and physical stress. I went to work before Xmas but left after an hour I couldn't cope and I've not been back since. I can't do work anymore it's like I get pulled under fierce waves in the dark and I can't breathe or see. My husband is supportive and has said to stay at home and go back when I'm ready but I don't want to quit in case I'm never ready to return to work. But I feel selfish for being like this because my husband has to deal with me.

I've had a couple of jobs working in shops and at a hospital but the experience haven't been good. I was hoping my teaching would be a good one and last but it looks like I've failed again. I have no idea how people keep their jobs without burning out. I cannot get the hang of it.

  • Try not to stress yourself with imaginings of failure. Be gentle on yourself with your strength of spirit.  You are lucky to have an understanding, and supportive partner. My wife is an agoraphobic and hasn't worked for 25 years. She is no less a good person.

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    That comment has really cheered me up at I have issues with not being able to work in that I often berate myself.  Your support in this comment has helped me see that there are partners out there who accept when their love cannot work.

  • Perhaps you have a hobby or interest that may be saleable from home?  Nowadays anything can be sold on the internet through proper marketing techniques!

    Investigating those techniques is an education in itself, or you can hire someone. There are freelance sites for that purpose. 

  • Perhaps you have a hobby or interest that may be saleable from home?  Nowadays anything can be sold on the internet through proper marketing techniques!

    Investigating those techniques is an education in itself, or you can hire someone. There are freelance sites for that purpose. 
