Are there things you just 'don't get' in life? (as in understand the rules of)

Thanks to  in another thread (root beer) I've been thinking of the many things I've just 'not got' and done wrong.

Usually the clue that I'm not 'getting it' is the look of wonder on the faces of other people.

I'm suspecting now this may be autism related.

There are countless examples during my life but here a few.

McDonalds: I don't really understand McDonalds and I don't spend time in them without another person.

My mum used to like them so I'd take her there for lunch sometimes.

One of the 1st times she asked me to collect a menu for her and some cutlery.

I couldn't understand why these weren't on the table.

So, I went to the counter and asked for these things.

After this initial trauma, I then had the trauma of trying to understand what you are supposed to eat off of and with.


McDonalds is a particular thing with me I think.

I was with my autistic friend on our way back from visiting his mother and we went to a McD.

He asked me to get him a 'root beer'.

So, I asked for such at the counter only to be asked what that is.

I said 'I don't know' so no root beer was presented to my friend.


Another prime example is going to a spa and swimming baths in a hotel.

I'm not a swimmer or a spa goer.

So, the 1st thing I did was put my make-up on before going there.

Then, I couldn't understand how the lockers worked and had to get assistance.

Then, I eventually found the toilets but couldn't find my way back to the swimming pool so I walked through reception soaking wet in my swimming costume.

I was also in a church once when a service began and loads of people sat around me.

I had gone in there because I was in a strange city and cold and was using the church as a refuge.

I thought I could just sit there whilst the service took place.

I hadn't anticipated communion and although I'm not a Catholic or a church goer, and although I didn't understand what I was doing, I felt obliged to follow everyone up and take communion. 

There are so many examples I won't continue.

Is it just me or are there other people here who just don't 'get it?'.

  • Dating. What does that even mean?. I go out with some friend to get dinner, how is it different than a date other than the title of the event?.

    Sex, most women seem very ecstatic about sex activities, like thrusting, which seems to me pure pain with 0 pleasure. I roll my eyes because even statistics show that most women don't find it satisfying, I don't understand why some of them fake it?!. Other thing about sex that I don't understand is, why don't people ask very clearly for consent?! "Do you want to hang out in my place?" Isn't enough.

    Small talk. If you don't want to know how my day went then why do you ask?!

    Dress codes. For different occasions different expectations. Who the hell cares?! Why don't we just wear what we are comfortable in ?!

    Formalities. Formal fancy sophisticated phrases, titles or expressions instead of saying it in a simple natural way?! I don't understand people who take themselves very seriously.

    Social classes. The hell does that even mean?!. Damn we are all people, some of us were luckier in certain areas of their lives but doesn't make them better than anyone else or give them permission to look down at others. Why don't people from different classes hang out more often?. I think they all have things to learn from each other.

    Saying stuff just for the sake of filling the silence. I think that people talk too much. Lots of what's said has 0 content and is just to avoid the discomfort of silence. What's so bad about being silent for a while?

    Gender, I've already wrote a thread about it so I won't repeat it. I think that we could comfortably leave the concept of gender in some museum. Nowadays it's not serving us as it did when it was created.

    Why some people want to appear so happy having a rich interesting life?. Who cares ?!.. what's so unnatural in feeling down every now and then?!. What's not exciting about a low-key life?

    I think that the list can go on and on and on... I'll just stop here 

  • Dating. What does that even mean?. I go out with some friend to get dinner, how is it different than a date other than the title of the event?.

    Sex, most women seem very ecstatic about sex activities, like thrusting, which seems to me pure pain with 0 pleasure. I roll my eyes because even statistics show that most women don't find it satisfying, I don't understand why some of them fake it?!. Other thing about sex that I don't understand is, why don't people ask very clearly for consent?! "Do you want to hang out in my place?" Isn't enough.

    Small talk. If you don't want to know how my day went then why do you ask?!

    Dress codes. For different occasions different expectations. Who the hell cares?! Why don't we just wear what we are comfortable in ?!

    Formalities. Formal fancy sophisticated phrases, titles or expressions instead of saying it in a simple natural way?! I don't understand people who take themselves very seriously.

    Social classes. The hell does that even mean?!. Damn we are all people, some of us were luckier in certain areas of their lives but doesn't make them better than anyone else or give them permission to look down at others. Why don't people from different classes hang out more often?. I think they all have things to learn from each other.

    Saying stuff just for the sake of filling the silence. I think that people talk too much. Lots of what's said has 0 content and is just to avoid the discomfort of silence. What's so bad about being silent for a while?

    Gender, I've already wrote a thread about it so I won't repeat it. I think that we could comfortably leave the concept of gender in some museum. Nowadays it's not serving us as it did when it was created.

    Why some people want to appear so happy having a rich interesting life?. Who cares ?!.. what's so unnatural in feeling down every now and then?!. What's not exciting about a low-key life?

    I think that the list can go on and on and on... I'll just stop here 
