Obsessed with university

I have gotten to the point now where my course is all I think about, I’m doing pretty well I’ve never been a straight A student so getting high Bs are something I’m very proud of. My family are always saying how proud they are of me however university is consuming my life. I’m obsessed with the subject I’m studying as it’s always pretty much been my special interest, I’m always talking about it but it’s gotten to the point where I’m obsessed with very specific area within my studies and I’ve grown accustomed to one of my tutors because of this, I hate it because he is so nice and lets me do a load of extra work with him but because I’m spending so much time work on a project and with him it’s becoming all I’m talking about and I can’t stop. Once I’m in a social situation I have no control. I honestly don’t know how to switch off. Pretty sure the whole campus knows I have a thing for him and wouldn’t be surprised if he knew as I’m even doing extra classes with him as well as working on said project, he even offered to take me out for some work experience. I want to stop thinking about him but he is a world famous specialist and pretty hard to find a better person in his field and I really want to do a masters or PHD in his area but I’m also worried I’ll burn myself out. 

  • Well as I see it there are 2 separate issues here.

    I don’t think either of those issues are you enjoying your course or working hard. I think that’s great.

    but if it’s effecting you’re social life that’s a problem. But it sounds like it’s not so much that you don’t have the time for a social life and more that your special interest is so consuming it’s all you want to talk about. That’s not nessicerally a problem. If you can find people to socialise with who at least somewhat share your interest. Maybe your course has a social society associated with it? Or maybe there is a geeky / nerdy society that a lot of people on your course go to? Try that?

    on the other hand it sounds like you’re becoming romantically interested  in your lecturer. It’s fine to be friendly with staff especially if you’re thinking of doing a PhD but romantic entanglements create a conflict of interests and you want to be very careful of that.

    but generally there is nothing wrong with enjoying your course and working hard. As you already know it could lead to a PhD and career.

  • Well as I see it there are 2 separate issues here.

    I don’t think either of those issues are you enjoying your course or working hard. I think that’s great.

    but if it’s effecting you’re social life that’s a problem. But it sounds like it’s not so much that you don’t have the time for a social life and more that your special interest is so consuming it’s all you want to talk about. That’s not nessicerally a problem. If you can find people to socialise with who at least somewhat share your interest. Maybe your course has a social society associated with it? Or maybe there is a geeky / nerdy society that a lot of people on your course go to? Try that?

    on the other hand it sounds like you’re becoming romantically interested  in your lecturer. It’s fine to be friendly with staff especially if you’re thinking of doing a PhD but romantic entanglements create a conflict of interests and you want to be very careful of that.

    but generally there is nothing wrong with enjoying your course and working hard. As you already know it could lead to a PhD and career.

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