Ghosting - Presumably a more prevalent [or more fiercely felt] experience in the autistic population?

These questions presented themselves from within the recent tread about new users not responding to our writings or advice (originated within ‘Anybody need some advice from the voice of reason ?)

“Ghosting” is when someone just doesn’t respond to you at all despite you fully expecting them to do so, in any event.  I would distinguish "ghosting" from blocking or outright ignoring someone.  I would equate the feeling of "ghosting" to feeling like you have been overtly given the advice to "take the hint, mate."

I hate the experience…..SO many unanswered questions...and you should be polite and not push for an explanation?  Right??

  • There was a friend I had kept in touch with for a good few years after leaving school, but then we lost touch. When Facebook came along, she tracked me down. In addition to maintaining contact via Facebook and e-mail, we would occasionally meet up. Anyway, she then became unwell, which resulted in her spiraling into depression. Suddenly, there was silence. She had gotten rid of a blog, was no longer active on Facebook, and had also stopped e-mailing. None of our mutual friends had heard from her either.

    During the course of the next 12 months or so, I would send occasional letters enquiring how she was and just letting her know that I was thinking of her. I can remember checking her local newspaper, just in case something untoward had happened to her. Approximately a decade later, I still find myself wondering if she is OK.

  • Your description of the loss above is more "loosing touch" rather than ghosting?

    If you knew where she was and how to get hold of her - but got no response = possible ghosting.

Reply Children
  • Well my arcane manner now wants to simply write "Eggshells dear lady, eggshells" in the hope that you would accept that in the spirit with which I mean it - ie "no worries love" ie "obviously we're all cool sister" ie "don't be so daft - we're all good you nutter" etc etc....  Any and/or all of these can get a well meaning soul in terrible trouble these days.

    Unfortunately, the public at large seem often to leap on style rather than meaning......I write like a complete tos ser and speak similarly very often.  Part of my legacy from a life time of masking - there are so many ways of trying to communicate the same thing.  I'm trying to be appropriately careful in this very public forum....not so worried about's all the others whom I haven't become accustomed to - and visa verser.

    I wish you a peaceful remainder to this fine and crisp Saturday night.

  • I apologise if my response had come across as though I was annoyed or irritated with you. The last thing I want is to get into an argument with anyone either. Relaxed

  • OK - I see what you mean - but I tend to think that there is a suddenness and abruptness associated with the definition of ghosting.....and when you know they have received the communication?  I could be wrong....and just to be clear (my writing style can appear rather officious - obs!) I'm discussing possible interpretations of the definition for ghosting with you...and most definitely not trying to, or wishing to argue with you.  These places do scare me to death sometimes!!!!!!

  • I knew where she was living. Prior to her sudden silence, we would send birthday and Christmas cards, and sometimes gifts (through the post).