
I was watching this Aucademy video last night

They were discussing what an ideal world for autistic people would look like. The suggestions on the PowerPoint slides made perfect sense to me and I would love to live in such a place.

Imagine a world where all communication was clear and straightforward. Everyone would have their own space. Nature and animals would be cared for. Best of all it would be quiet!

Please share any comments or suggestions of what your ideal world might be like. Particularly any changes that might be realistically achievable on the planet we are stuck on for the time being

  • I have mine almost every day. Then i have to ruin it to go do adult stuff. 

    Mine is waking up in bed feeling fresh. Two little furry sleepy dogs tucked up too. Then a nice mug of tea propped up on pillows with the doggies. Heaven. 

    Then comes the alarm that says 'if you dont get out of bed NOW you will be late for work'!!!!! Ruined lol. 

  • I have mine almost every day. Then i have to ruin it to go do adult stuff. 

    Mine is waking up in bed feeling fresh. Two little furry sleepy dogs tucked up too. Then a nice mug of tea propped up on pillows with the doggies. Heaven. 

    Then comes the alarm that says 'if you dont get out of bed NOW you will be late for work'!!!!! Ruined lol. 

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