
I was watching this Aucademy video last night

They were discussing what an ideal world for autistic people would look like. The suggestions on the PowerPoint slides made perfect sense to me and I would love to live in such a place.

Imagine a world where all communication was clear and straightforward. Everyone would have their own space. Nature and animals would be cared for. Best of all it would be quiet!

Please share any comments or suggestions of what your ideal world might be like. Particularly any changes that might be realistically achievable on the planet we are stuck on for the time being

  • Great discussion.

    Yes I watched this video too, it is absolutely brilliant! Autopia is so cool, I love how Aucademy have developed this vision thoroughly. If only Autopia could become a reality, it would be AUsome! The only current model we can base our idea on is the autistic led conference Autscape.

    In my idea of Autopia, stimming would replace spoken language, there would be no emphasis on the spoken word. There would be alternate means of communication available for anyone and included in every aspect of life. Each week we could come together to share and swap each other's stims. Similiar to what Libby states in their Powerpoint,  interaction would be based around dedicated interests and these would form the basis of education and employment. I love Libby's idea of dedicated interests lectures where we educate our neurokin on our passions.

    I think Chloe has suggested this before, but I like the idea of everyone wearing a lanyard that states their communication preferences and dedicated interests. The Double Empathy problem would not exist! I love open green spaces, so Autopia would be really spacious and also have lots of stimmy and calming water features. Another idea when you go into any shop, restaurant, supermarket, you could find your own personalised list of safe foods, stim tools and 'spoon saving' products' using a QR code on your phone.

    I didn't realise I had thought about Autopia in such depth.

    They were discussing what an ideal world for autistic people would look like. The suggestions on the PowerPoint slides made perfect sense to me and I would love to live in such a place.

    Yes exactly, I would love to live in Autopia! 

    Best of all it would be quiet!

    Yes I love quiet! What else would you include in Autopia?

  • Great discussion.

    Yes I watched this video too, it is absolutely brilliant! Autopia is so cool, I love how Aucademy have developed this vision thoroughly. If only Autopia could become a reality, it would be AUsome! The only current model we can base our idea on is the autistic led conference Autscape.

    In my idea of Autopia, stimming would replace spoken language, there would be no emphasis on the spoken word. There would be alternate means of communication available for anyone and included in every aspect of life. Each week we could come together to share and swap each other's stims. Similiar to what Libby states in their Powerpoint,  interaction would be based around dedicated interests and these would form the basis of education and employment. I love Libby's idea of dedicated interests lectures where we educate our neurokin on our passions.

    I think Chloe has suggested this before, but I like the idea of everyone wearing a lanyard that states their communication preferences and dedicated interests. The Double Empathy problem would not exist! I love open green spaces, so Autopia would be really spacious and also have lots of stimmy and calming water features. Another idea when you go into any shop, restaurant, supermarket, you could find your own personalised list of safe foods, stim tools and 'spoon saving' products' using a QR code on your phone.

    I didn't realise I had thought about Autopia in such depth.

    They were discussing what an ideal world for autistic people would look like. The suggestions on the PowerPoint slides made perfect sense to me and I would love to live in such a place.

    Yes exactly, I would love to live in Autopia! 

    Best of all it would be quiet!

    Yes I love quiet! What else would you include in Autopia?

  • In my idea of Autopia, stimming would replace spoken language, there would be no emphasis on the spoken word. There would be alternate means of communication available for anyone and included in every aspect of life.

    Yes verbal communication would be completely optional with no expectations or pressure to use it. I like the idea in the video for everyone to automatically learn sign language as an additional form of alternative communication.

    All business and organisations would automatically offer a choice of different communication methods. Everyone would always have a choice for what method suits them best at that particular time.

    I like the idea of everyone wearing a lanyard that states their communication preferences and dedicated interests.

    This could be stored electronically and also include a sensory profile. This is there was going to be  unavoidable noise or smells the person would receive an alert and would have chance to leave the immediate area.

    Yes I love quiet! What else would you include in Autopia?

    No motorbikes or noisy vehicles. Only quiet vehicles with zero emissions. Quiet soundproofed booths on public transport. Soundproofing in all housing and buildings. No bleeping tills in supermarkets. No bleeping reversing vehicles, they would have sensors instead. Freely available dog training and pet sitters, so that the quiet is not disturbed by barking dogs. Strict rules around noise pollution. Noisy hand dryers, hair dryers and power tools would all be banned.

    I'm sure I could think of plenty more. I'd probably want to work for the newly formed Ministry of Quiet.