Covid 19 symtoms driving me mad

I have been ill for the last 2 days with a fever and aches and pains. The thing is there is only one time I have felt like this in my whole life and that was when I had Covid. I feel like there is an anvil resting on my chest which I only ever felt when I had covid and worst of all the "brain fog" is back, where my head completely stops being able to process my own thoughts and I have periods where im not sure where I am and I get confused and start thinking all sorts of upsetting things. This again only ever happened in this way when I had covid, it was like nothing I have ever expereinced before and so Im pretty sure I can recognise it when it happens again

and yet I am testing negative for covid. Its really destressing me cos I feel sure Ive got it yet Im being told by the tests I havnt. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

  • The home tests are not necessarily reliable for the newer strains. Or you might be having a recurrence of your original infection, covid is a tricky thing.

  • Thats what I thought, how reliable are the tests. My original infection was january so be surprised if it was that

  • Saying "Ivermectin for the win" will get you banned from most social media.

    In my personal opinion the medical trade has failed us big time recently in the main and I observe that only a few doctors have really done their jobs properly and they've been politically suppressed. 

    This is one area where the internet is useful. Google FLCCC, consider the information presented and make up your own mind, what is good for you and not what is good for the power tripping idiots who have been leading us thus far...

    And deffo try vitamin D if you are not already. one a day, oral spray. Is nicer to take than a pill. 

    Or keep believing the covid "information" provided by those who clearly do not have OUR best interests at heart..

  • Yes, I was going to quote that! It does feel like we are nearing the end, though of course people have felt that way at many points of history. Good point about not becoming the caricature.

  • It makes me quite sad because I think of myself as a very tolerant and understanding person and I think of the Christian faith and the God I know as the most welcoming and understanding thing I know. 
    But I think the world has gone in a different direction so, as Jesus said, we can always expect to be hated in this world but "be of good cheer for I have overcome the world"

    One thing I do feel very strongly is not to become the caricature. Im not sure that makes sense but I feel like it would be very easy to become the intolerant, judgemental people the world keeps telling us we are as a reaction to how we are percieved. I think its really important not to do that but to carry on being true to who we are 

  • we are seen as the bad guys, cruel, unkind and judgemental

    Like the last person who found me to be "Intolerant" ended a 30 year friendship because he can't tolerate me expressing my personal opinion about an issue that seemingly directly affects neither of us!! 

    I'm a little sickened and made tired by being accused of hatred by people who are clearly blinded by hate and predjudiice themselves, too...

    But I can't fix THEM, can only keep working on myself.

    I can expose the lie whenever I have the courage though... 

  • we are seen as the bad guys, cruel, unkind and judgemental

    Like the last person who found me to be "Intolerant" ended a 30 year friendship because he can't tolerate me expressing my personal opinion about an issue that seemingly directly affects neither of us!! 

    I'm a little sickened and made tired by being accused of hatred by people who are clearly blinded by hate and predjudiice themselves, too...

    But I can't fix THEM, can only keep working on myself.

    I can expose the lie whenever I have the courage though... 

  • Yes, I was going to quote that! It does feel like we are nearing the end, though of course people have felt that way at many points of history. Good point about not becoming the caricature.

  • It makes me quite sad because I think of myself as a very tolerant and understanding person and I think of the Christian faith and the God I know as the most welcoming and understanding thing I know. 
    But I think the world has gone in a different direction so, as Jesus said, we can always expect to be hated in this world but "be of good cheer for I have overcome the world"

    One thing I do feel very strongly is not to become the caricature. Im not sure that makes sense but I feel like it would be very easy to become the intolerant, judgemental people the world keeps telling us we are as a reaction to how we are percieved. I think its really important not to do that but to carry on being true to who we are