Covid 19 symtoms driving me mad

I have been ill for the last 2 days with a fever and aches and pains. The thing is there is only one time I have felt like this in my whole life and that was when I had Covid. I feel like there is an anvil resting on my chest which I only ever felt when I had covid and worst of all the "brain fog" is back, where my head completely stops being able to process my own thoughts and I have periods where im not sure where I am and I get confused and start thinking all sorts of upsetting things. This again only ever happened in this way when I had covid, it was like nothing I have ever expereinced before and so Im pretty sure I can recognise it when it happens again

and yet I am testing negative for covid. Its really destressing me cos I feel sure Ive got it yet Im being told by the tests I havnt. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

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