Book club

What are you reading at the moment?

Any recommendations?

I mainly read crime novels but have run out of new ones so am re-reading Graham Greene.

I am on Brighton Rock at the moment.

On a kindle due to eyesight issues.

  • Enjoy Brighton Rock, Debbie, I enjoyed that book. I grew up on all the classics, my parents are very old fashioned and for a few years I was living with my aunt's and they had hundreds of vintage books.

    I'm currently reading The Phoenix and the Carpet which is one I first read at my Aunt's when I was staying with them. It's now one of my favourite books, I've read it so many times but it never gets old for me.

  • Hi Goofyball.  Just goes to show how we all perceive and interpret things differently.....(i am referring to Brighton Rock in this instance.)  I say this because I just glanced one of my posts 11 months ago in this thread that read......

    "Relieved to hear you say that!  Brighton Rock was one of my O level English texts.....I found it threatening, upsetting and overwhelmingly depressing.  Grim period of history.  Grim location (at that point in history) and the darkest sorts of human motivations and behaviours spelt out at every corner.  Brighton Rock is a literary masterpiece in the same way that a lobotomy is a marvel of modern medicine - in my opinion."

    Each to their own !  You have a good Friday Goofyball.

  • Hi Goofyball.  Just goes to show how we all perceive and interpret things differently.....(i am referring to Brighton Rock in this instance.)  I say this because I just glanced one of my posts 11 months ago in this thread that read......

    "Relieved to hear you say that!  Brighton Rock was one of my O level English texts.....I found it threatening, upsetting and overwhelmingly depressing.  Grim period of history.  Grim location (at that point in history) and the darkest sorts of human motivations and behaviours spelt out at every corner.  Brighton Rock is a literary masterpiece in the same way that a lobotomy is a marvel of modern medicine - in my opinion."

    Each to their own !  You have a good Friday Goofyball.

  • Excuse my cutting in here, but do give it a read if you're able to. It's a very good book and I thoroughly enjoyed it, though again it's not a happy ever after sort of a book. Read In the Skin of a Lion as well,

    Thank you.

    I love recommendations Blush

  • Excuse my cutting in here, but do give it a read if you're able to. It's a very good book and I thoroughly enjoyed it, though again it's not a happy ever after sort of a book. Read In the Skin of a Lion as well, both are excellent and features some of the same characters.

  • The English Patient

    I haven't read that but I must.

    I saw the film by the late Anthony Menghella.

    As an aside, I was sitting in the departure lounge for the Isle of Wight ferry once and around 4 foot away sat the aforementioned with Helena Bonham-Carter.

    The boyfriend I was with kept staring at them but, as has been the case when I've happened upon other famous people, I didn't want to stare, as I hate been stared at myself (which was common when I was young) but I really wanted to look at them, so felt very awkward.

  • Indeed.....and I'm obviously not averse to grim books the same post of 11 months ago I mentioned above, I explained that The English Patient is probably my favourite novel.....and that ain't exactly bursting with joy !!

  • Hi Number, a very warm hello to you on this grey and cold morning.

    You are more than entitled to your opinion and I believe many think the same way as you re this book, it is a grim read but I find books like this almost addictive and can't stop reading them once I start. I like a good drama and thriller book me.

  • Each to their own !

    This comment made me think about the books I like best including the 2 aforementioned and they are all bleak in outlook.

    Curious Thinking