Book club

What are you reading at the moment?

Any recommendations?

I mainly read crime novels but have run out of new ones so am re-reading Graham Greene.

I am on Brighton Rock at the moment.

On a kindle due to eyesight issues.

  • The novel before last I read was Lawrence Osborne's the Forgiven which I enjoyed and reminded me of the Paul Bowles' The Sheltering Sky.

    So, I just re-read TSS.

    I find this novel fascinating but a warning for anyone who takes it as a recommendation: racism abounds, by today's standards.

  • The novel before last I read was Lawrence Osborne's the Forgiven which I enjoyed and reminded me of the Paul Bowles' The Sheltering Sky.

    So, I just re-read TSS.

    I find this novel fascinating but a warning for anyone who takes it as a recommendation: racism abounds, by today's standards.

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