Book club

What are you reading at the moment?

Any recommendations?

I mainly read crime novels but have run out of new ones so am re-reading Graham Greene.

I am on Brighton Rock at the moment.

On a kindle due to eyesight issues.

  • I'm re-reading The Lord of The Rings after 37 years.

    Tolkien has a way of writing that is wonderfully absorbing and he weaves a tale that is drenched in history, often hinted at and covered in much more detail in his other works (The Hobbit, The Silmarillion, Book of Unfinished Tales etc) that is probably the source of most contemporary fantasy since it was writted (in the 40s and 50s).

    Not a light read at a dense 1070 pages in my hardback version - a bit of a knee squisher but somehow wholesome and comforting to hold as you flick over the thick, lush pages with occasional prints thrown in to create more a feel for the world.

    Still probably the best book I have ever written by some margin.

  • somehow wholesome and comforting to hold as you flick over the thick, lush pages with occasional prints thrown in to create more a feel for the world.

    Lovely description.

    Unfortunately I can't experience that as my eyesight means a Kindle is best.

    I'm tempted to try it again, having started it 30+ years ago.

  • somehow wholesome and comforting to hold as you flick over the thick, lush pages with occasional prints thrown in to create more a feel for the world.

    Lovely description.

    Unfortunately I can't experience that as my eyesight means a Kindle is best.

    I'm tempted to try it again, having started it 30+ years ago.

  • Good idea but I've got too used to a Kindle, thanks.

    I also like the fact you can just sit it on your lap and not constantly hold it, like a book (which needs holding open).

    It's been a number of years now, so there's no going back.

    I do think though that novels should be in larger print, as a lot of people struggle I think.

    Although of course that would cost more as it would use more paper and the books would then be even bigger to hold in your hands!

  • Unfortunately I can't experience that as my eyesight means a Kindle is best.

    How about using a magnifier - a bit cumbersome but then you get that tactile experience to stimulate one sense while the prose stimulates your mind?