
Hello, my son now 11 with little speech but high logic has an increasing list of phobias that prevent him from taking part in school activities so I am trying to understand them in order to find ways and help him cope. Therapists strategy do not work so far..

The biggest problem in a video/photo/cameras world is Scopophobia, he cannot stand seeing himself on a photo (even his passport cannot be opened when around but has no problem with mirrors). He has huge meltdowns when someone wants to take a picture and he is around, screaming: "No photo, No video, No Future!". It expanded to watching videos at school on which he has no control whereas at home he knows he can switch off TV when it distrubs him and watch videos he choses on his tablet.

Would anyone understand this link to the future?  Thank you advance, I am a bit lost with this one.

  • Things like this is why I hate the whole culture of "it's a public place you have a right to film or shoot photos"

    A if someone looks uncomfortable explain what your doing  and why 

    B respect their wishes ... I'm all good with street photography but that said I'm not happy with the picture bring online 

    C be respectful of the place you are in .. whilst public photography isnt illegal filming or photographing in say a video game arcade isnt in my opinion suitable 

    As for having a phobia of appearing in photos it's well known many people dislike photos of them but a phobia would be the dislike going beyond a dislike and more of a fear and dread 

    Could it be worth signing something legally binding at school that says you DO NOT wish to have photos taken?

  • I hate my photograph being taken, I can understand why peoples have felt like part of their soul has been stolen, it's me but not me, something essential is missing, I look at photo's of me as a child and don't recognise myself even though logically I know it's me. Being video'd and recorded is another big no no, I do not consent, especially when it's posted online by someone else on social media and I'm tagged. 

    Your son hates photos and videos of himself that should be respected for all but the important things like passports. Another thing that people don't think of when diseminating photo's of others, is if they're inadvertantly putting someone in danger, a stalker, a violent ex, someone might be a child protection officer or something like that and having thier photo on social media could compromise them professionally as well as compromise their safety.

  • You know my pet peeve is assumed consent by youtube ect that its ok for someone to be in a video it's too easy for anyone to upload anything these days 

    I have  no phobias linked to it but I do live a private life and if theres people I no longer want in my life o also dont want them to know the place I attend because it fills me with a fear they might try come see me or something 

  • I think theres a presumption of consent for all sorts of things these days, the old chestnut of "if you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear" i rubbish, you can still be found by people you no longer want to know. People can be so persistant in tracking you down, it's like they feel they have a right to hassle you or know where you are, I wonder what goes on in the heads of such people?

  • I think theres a presumption of consent for all sorts of things these days, the old chestnut of "if you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear" i rubbish, you can still be found by people you no longer want to know. People can be so persistant in tracking you down, it's like they feel they have a right to hassle you or know where you are, I wonder what goes on in the heads of such people?

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