
Hello, my son now 11 with little speech but high logic has an increasing list of phobias that prevent him from taking part in school activities so I am trying to understand them in order to find ways and help him cope. Therapists strategy do not work so far..

The biggest problem in a video/photo/cameras world is Scopophobia, he cannot stand seeing himself on a photo (even his passport cannot be opened when around but has no problem with mirrors). He has huge meltdowns when someone wants to take a picture and he is around, screaming: "No photo, No video, No Future!". It expanded to watching videos at school on which he has no control whereas at home he knows he can switch off TV when it distrubs him and watch videos he choses on his tablet.

Would anyone understand this link to the future?  Thank you advance, I am a bit lost with this one.

  • Is it the same people feel when being watched by others in real life? I see his sense of what I call shame is very different from typical shame.

    Not shame or similar in being watched by others.

    If you look at 2 of the 'triad of impairments' in Autism

    'Language and communication: difficulties in recognising and understanding verbal and non-verbal language, such as gestures, facial expressions and tone of voice'.

    Social Emotion: difficulties with recognising and understanding other people's feelings and managing their own.

    I wonder if this fits into that?

    I find being looked at intense and overwhelming and I never know what the other person is thinking.

    It's part of social communication difficulties I think.

    However, personally, the photography thing is different and not related to the above.

  • I find being looked at intense and overwhelming and I never know what the other person is thinking.

    I see the first part in my son, as for the second he only cares if I become angry but as for what others think, he is not there yet. Thank you so much! I have a new vision to go forward.

  • I find being looked at intense and overwhelming and I never know what the other person is thinking.

    I see the first part in my son, as for the second he only cares if I become angry but as for what others think, he is not there yet. Thank you so much! I have a new vision to go forward.

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