I need people to smile, otherwise they dislike me

How come my understanding of facial expressions is so primitive that if people are not smiling I interpret their thinking as dislike of me? 

  • Who told you this is how all humans behave? Can you notice a difference between a smile which is resentful or sadistic or genuine?

    One part of growing up, maturing, is getting our control issues under control. And when we have difficultly with social situations, it might be best to learn a bit about sociology or the art of interpersonal exchange. Refocus your actions on what you can do rather than place your life-force in the hands of others.

    The bigger question here is the need for others to like you. How many do you need? What's a good number? Humans can only handle so many relationships; each exchange requires an amount of responsibility. 

    While we all need affirmation and to feel a sense of connexion / relationship, dictating how everyone else should behave works in small doses for a 4 year old or for a dictator with an army (it sounds like you're aware of this). At some point we need to learn to give in order to receive. Or just give out of what we feel we have to give. Which might mean learning to find what I have to give and then the quest can change from trying to 'get' something from another which, I might misinterpret, to actually being someone who actively and intentionally has something to give. But next comes working out who to give to. Not just anyone will want to connect or even want us to smile at them. I can find it rather creepy when strangers smile at me. I'd rather others enjoy what's in their head and not demand to interrupt me from the enjoyment of my own thoughts just to 'give them a smile'. One must find the right type of others to invest into.

    Change the question, to change the quest. And you may find you will change what you're worried about. I don't think your understanding of facial expressions is primitive. No one has telepathy. Don't trust a smile. Trust humans who have a synchronicity between their words and actions. 

  • Good points.

    Your comments have encouraged me to narrow the threat of non-smilers down to ‘those who affect my security in terms of finance ambition emotions and personal relationships.

    I feel like all I have is work as I have given up hope in personal relationships working out since I received mg diagnosis of ASD in 2018.  That is the main problem with diagnosis: discouragements of different types. 

    The advantage of diagnosis is the recognition of what has been behind my attitudes for the last fifty-seven years.  

    For example have come off medication for depression because the symptoms were those of temporary autistic response to sensory overload rather than depression. 
    Diagnosis allows me to access real solutions because I know what the real problem is. 

    I realise that it is ‘I need the people who provide me with an income’ to smile at me. 
    When my boss doesn’t smile at me I get concerned at my financial insecurity.  

  • Good points.

    Your comments have encouraged me to narrow the threat of non-smilers down to ‘those who affect my security in terms of finance ambition emotions and personal relationships.

    I feel like all I have is work as I have given up hope in personal relationships working out since I received mg diagnosis of ASD in 2018.  That is the main problem with diagnosis: discouragements of different types. 

    The advantage of diagnosis is the recognition of what has been behind my attitudes for the last fifty-seven years.  

    For example have come off medication for depression because the symptoms were those of temporary autistic response to sensory overload rather than depression. 
    Diagnosis allows me to access real solutions because I know what the real problem is. 

    I realise that it is ‘I need the people who provide me with an income’ to smile at me. 
    When my boss doesn’t smile at me I get concerned at my financial insecurity.  

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