I need people to smile, otherwise they dislike me

How come my understanding of facial expressions is so primitive that if people are not smiling I interpret their thinking as dislike of me? 

  • I think because we don't do vague, we need to know, black or white about something. Also I think because of the hypervigilance we put ourselves through, we often don't know if a situation is ok or not so probably default to negative.

  • I follow you, whereas allistics have a strong unconscious part making them prone to incoherence and delusions without even realizing it. As for the hypervigilance, very anxious allistics like under post traumatic stress also have something similar that but I am not sure they experience it in the same way either.  

  • I follow you, whereas allistics have a strong unconscious part making them prone to incoherence and delusions without even realizing it. As for the hypervigilance, very anxious allistics like under post traumatic stress also have something similar that but I am not sure they experience it in the same way either.  

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