I need people to smile, otherwise they dislike me

How come my understanding of facial expressions is so primitive that if people are not smiling I interpret their thinking as dislike of me? 

  • It's due to autism.

    It is the same with me although I tend to interpret someone not smiling at me as either they are unhappy or annoyed.

    I am constantly asking people I am close to how they are feeling.  Not knowing makes me a bit panicky.

    It's one of the 'triad of impairments' for diagnosis.

    See below:

    'Language and communication: difficulties in recognising and understanding verbal and non-verbal language, such as gestures, facial expressions and tone of voice.'

  • It's due to autism.

    It is the same with me although I tend to interpret someone not smiling at me as either they are unhappy or annoyed.

    I am constantly asking people I am close to how they are feeling.  Not knowing makes me a bit panicky.

    It's one of the 'triad of impairments' for diagnosis.

    See below:

    'Language and communication: difficulties in recognising and understanding verbal and non-verbal language, such as gestures, facial expressions and tone of voice.'

  • Absolutely but not all allisics people are hyperempaths, by far (a mere 2%), otherwise autistic people wouldn't have so much trouble. So I find it interesting to understand how people who are also largely blind to the emotional state of others deal with this aspect in a different way than autistic people do.