RAADS-R Diagnostic Scale

I've finally got my report from my NHS assessment.

It's shorter than I expected.  Just a 2 page letter.

However, it does contain my score which was 175 (above the diagnostic threshold of 65).

I found this site which explains the score and gives some averages (+ a link to take the test).


So, I was a little above the average for an autistic female.

If anyone would like to share their scores, it would be interesting.

A quote below from my letter:

'completed the RAADS-R: the RITVO Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale
revised: this 80-item diagnostic interview consists of questions designed for individuals with average
IQ and above. This is a population with mild or subclinical ASD and these individuals often escape
diagnosis. The RAADS-R was specifically designed to capture that population. Any score of 65 or
above indicates a high likelihood of Autism Spectrum Disorder, provided the clinical presentation is
convergent with this diagnosis'

  • I find myself miserable and scared after attempting a 'faces' test. For instance, I couldn't detect what was wrong with *any* of these three faces. I can't even be sure if the fault is mine:

    'Q. Can you tell at a glance what is wrong with two of the three faces below (answer below)':

    ('The face on the left has closer-set eyes and the face on the right has a raised mouth. The middle face is unaltered')

  • I could see both the eyes and lips, because I notice detail, probably too much. I actually see peoples faces as broken up into a separate parts and not as a whole, and sometimes think the human face is incredibly weird. But that’s looking at the TV or photos online, there’s no way I could study someone’s face while they were in front of me! 

  • All the faces looked the same to me, Zoe.  Disappointed

Reply Children
  • I always remember my mum telling me that the continuity person, when it comes to films & tv, is so often a woman.  Slight smile

  • I don’t think you need to be sad about that. For me it’s like playing spot the difference. I’m that annoying one watching the film saying her hair wasn’t like that in the last angle, look it’s changed again! Or I notice clothes if they’re hanging off the shoulder, then when you see it from another angle it’s on the shoulder. Bad editing and producing, but if they got me to make a film it would probably take twice as long Joy