RAADS-R Diagnostic Scale

I've finally got my report from my NHS assessment.

It's shorter than I expected.  Just a 2 page letter.

However, it does contain my score which was 175 (above the diagnostic threshold of 65).

I found this site which explains the score and gives some averages (+ a link to take the test).


So, I was a little above the average for an autistic female.

If anyone would like to share their scores, it would be interesting.

A quote below from my letter:

'completed the RAADS-R: the RITVO Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale
revised: this 80-item diagnostic interview consists of questions designed for individuals with average
IQ and above. This is a population with mild or subclinical ASD and these individuals often escape
diagnosis. The RAADS-R was specifically designed to capture that population. Any score of 65 or
above indicates a high likelihood of Autism Spectrum Disorder, provided the clinical presentation is
convergent with this diagnosis'

  • I find myself miserable and scared after attempting a 'faces' test. For instance, I couldn't detect what was wrong with *any* of these three faces. I can't even be sure if the fault is mine:

    'Q. Can you tell at a glance what is wrong with two of the three faces below (answer below)':

    ('The face on the left has closer-set eyes and the face on the right has a raised mouth. The middle face is unaltered')

  • I could see both the eyes and lips, because I notice detail, probably too much. I actually see peoples faces as broken up into a separate parts and not as a whole, and sometimes think the human face is incredibly weird. But that’s looking at the TV or photos online, there’s no way I could study someone’s face while they were in front of me! 

  • I could see both the eyes and lips, because I notice detail, probably too much. I actually see peoples faces as broken up into a separate parts and not as a whole, and sometimes think the human face is incredibly weird. But that’s looking at the TV or photos online, there’s no way I could study someone’s face while they were in front of me! 
