Website building

So I am really wanting to make a go of this working from home thing as a writer, I think it's all I can cope with during my burnout. Realistically, I dont see myself going into a school or office full of people for a while. 

I want to make a website as like a blog type thing for my sports writing. I have tried to do this before, I went to wordpress, bought a domain name and went through their process to build my site but it looked rubbish, couldnt even work out how to set the menus or change the colours, let alone how to get it to appear on peoples google searches so no one ever saw it. Ive tried several times and wasted money on it but cant seem to figure it out. Im not hopeless with techy stuff but im certainly not the best.

Does anyone have any hints or tips or places I could go for advice? Would be really apprecaited 

  • Also does anyone know how to get your website up the search list on google? Every time Ive done one before it seems invisible when Ive searched for it

  • It’s been a long time since I built websites. Things may have changed, but spent a lot of my time ensuring I was using the best keywords and tags for my content. Imagine you are going into Google to look up what your site involves. What searches would you do? What words would keep coming up?
    I used plenty of hyperlinks between my pages, and to articles on my pages. When you write blogs or articles, link these back to your website. Use all the social media you can handle and post new stuff consistently, and link it to the pages in your website, make sure you use alt text with all pictures. Put your best keywords in the first paragraph of your pages,  it don’t overdo it. 
    you’ll need to do this regularly. Always checking, changing, updating your pages etc. it doesn’t happen overnight, and I don’t think you will get into the first page of Google. 
    Do you use Google analytics? That used to be quite helpful for me.

  • Probobly very silly question but what are hyperlinks? Is that when you post a link to a webpage inside another webpage? 

    I havnt tried google analytics, what is that? 

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  • oh and yes hyperlinks/weblinks are where you link the text in an article/webpage, so where a paragraph on a website might say "We would love it if you *send us an email* to request a call" and the send us an email text is a link to a contact page/opens a window to send an email, that would be classed a hyperlink

  • google analytics allows you to see the way in which people are interacting with your website. The amount of clicks, the amount of time they spend on which pages, where in the world they are looking at it from, on what sort of device! Basically it breaks down all the statistics to show the busiest times for your site and if teamed up with google ads (for bigger sites) allows you to optimise the amount of traffic to a site when utilising good SEO (search engine optimisation) using keywords which people commonly use in search engines