Website building

So I am really wanting to make a go of this working from home thing as a writer, I think it's all I can cope with during my burnout. Realistically, I dont see myself going into a school or office full of people for a while. 

I want to make a website as like a blog type thing for my sports writing. I have tried to do this before, I went to wordpress, bought a domain name and went through their process to build my site but it looked rubbish, couldnt even work out how to set the menus or change the colours, let alone how to get it to appear on peoples google searches so no one ever saw it. Ive tried several times and wasted money on it but cant seem to figure it out. Im not hopeless with techy stuff but im certainly not the best.

Does anyone have any hints or tips or places I could go for advice? Would be really apprecaited 

  • I highly rate squarespace. I’m self employed and built my site using this. Sleek designs that are easy to choose and set up. There is also plenty of advice on seo on there to help too. I tried Wordpress many years ago and couldn’t handle it. 

  • I have been having a look at it. It looks good but seems quite expensive. Is there a cheaper option on there, maybe for a more basic site?

    Dont know why this is coming out in italitics 

  • I have an e-commerce site that costs more, but I also have just a website with them which is a lot cheaper. I pay monthly on that one. If you want a basic blog though you’ll probably find cheaper or even free options. Regarding being found on google, that’s what you need to learn seo for. As well as this you need to share the hell out of your website and writings on your website all over the internet. I’m by no means an expert and I still have a lot to learn and work on but I know this is the minimum. There’s literally millions of websites (google says over a billion), you have to put in a lot of work to get views organically - obviously you’re not competing with a billion sites though with the niche you’ll have. I have a Facebook page which I’ve built up over the last 5/6 years, I send people to my website from there. 

  • That sounds good. Do you know what any of the free ones are called? Yes I have a twitter page with quite a few followers so I could definitley publicise it on that 

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