What are peoples 'special' interests?

Im curious to know what other peoples interests/hobbys are.  Recently I have been studying/growing mushrooms/mycology.  

Before that, it was keeping/breeding tarantulas and invertebrates.  I also have a vast knowledge of insectivorous plants.  As a kid, i practically knew every football player who played in each team.  Was obcessed.  Not so much now.  

So, what is everyone else like to study or spend time one?

  • I'm not sure if this is typical but I get I obsessed with topics for short durations,maybe a couple of months. The gym has been a mainstay that has floated in and out my life but others have been

    Open razors and old fashioned razors

    Wild camping 

    Bicycle repair and riding

    Budgeting, stock market

    Does anyone else jump between interests?


  • I tend to be the opposite: I'm very selective about what I get into, but when I do I fully lean into it over a long time, and never entirely putting a full stop on it. There have been one or two exceptions. I suppose trying different diets might have fallen into that intensive-but-short category for me. Hoping for, and briefly thinking I had, the answer to feeling less fatigue, pain, bloating etc. every day of every week, but then realising that any initial benefits were either beginner's luck or a placebo effect. 

  • I tend to be the opposite: I'm very selective about what I get into, but when I do I fully lean into it over a long time, and never entirely putting a full stop on it. There have been one or two exceptions. I suppose trying different diets might have fallen into that intensive-but-short category for me. Hoping for, and briefly thinking I had, the answer to feeling less fatigue, pain, bloating etc. every day of every week, but then realising that any initial benefits were either beginner's luck or a placebo effect. 

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